THUNDER (WiSAN-P) is a new air- cooled reversible heat pump for outdoor installation with natural refrigerant, suitable for high water temperature production. Equipped with invertor scroll compressors, it is specifically designed for the use of R290 and invertor fans. The WiSAN-P range from 34 to 86kW is an ideal solution to meet different kinds of applications from new installations to refurbishments, thanks to its full invertor technology, wide operating envelope and modular, up to 16 units in parallel. It is available in a single energy version with outstanding seasonal efficiency levels both in low- and medium-temperature heating applications (SCOP W35 up to 4.7 and SCOP W55 up to 3.6). The range can provide high leaving-water temperature production and is suitable for colder climates thanks to its wide operating range, while consistently maintaining very low noise emissions. DESIGN SAFETY CONCEPTS To guarantee the highest safety during unit operation, additional safety measures are included as standard across the range: • Double leak detector sensors – installed in the refrigerant circuit box and also in the electrical control box, to detect any possible refrigerant leakage. • ATEX extraction fan – located in the refrigerant circuit box and activated whenever leakage is detected (shutting off the compressors at the same time). • Switch selector – to autonomously activate the ATEX extraction fan for maximum safety during maintenance activities. WITH FULL INVERTOR TECHNOLOGY & MODULAR FLEXIBILITY UP TO 16 UNITS, THE CLIVET THUNDER WISAN-P RANGE IS AN IDEAL SOLUTION FOR BOTH NEW INSTALLATIONS & REFURBISHMENTS… Outstanding efficiency
Operate in a low-noise operation The THUNDER range offers three different acoustic levels without changing the unit dimensions. The capacity range for standard silent and super-silent configurations varies according to the chosen level, selectable through the unit HMI. OPTIONS AVAILABLE • Hydropack with one inverter pump • Hydropack with two inverter pumps (one running and one as back-up) • Storage tank • Additional condensing coil treatment for aggressive environments • Three-way valve for domestic hot water production • Modular connection kit for a cascade of up to six units from a hydraulic point of view “THUNDER (WiSAN-P) is an air-cooled reversible heat pump for outdoor installation with natural refrigerant, suitable for high water temperature production.”
THUNDER is designed to connect up to 16 units in a local network and up to six units from a hydraulic point of view using the dedicated kit (AMODX).
• Degasser filter for single unit can be provided as a separate accessory – to be installed on the hydraulic side, guaranteeing any leakage cannot enter the building.
FURTHER STRENGTHS Near zero GWP solution
The use of R290 refrigerant, with ultra- low GWP (Global Warming Potential = 3), guarantees a negligible environmental impact compared to traditional solutions. This makes the range perfectly in line with the latest step of the phase-out plan for HFC refrigerants approved by the EU. Advanced technology Inverter scroll compressors, high-efficiency DC fans with variable speed control, copper aluminum coils with hydrophilic treatment and a drain tray with a dedicated electric heater are some of the technologies available that facilitate high efficiency values, meaning a reduction in operating costs. This ensures negligible start-up current and perfectly matches the cooling load of the plant in any condition.
Contact: Chris Satell M: +353 (0)86 102 1297 T: +353 (0)1 419 1919 E: E:
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