The Keap Insider - Volume 1

Grow Your Sales With a Nurture Campaign

Adding a lead nurture campaign to your sales process will enable your business to close more sales up to 23% faster, and your nurtured leads will make 47% larger purchases on average than non-nurtured leads.





Unable to Set Up or Measure the Impact A lead nurturing program is a very involved process that requires specific goals to understand performance. Defining your audiences, what products you offer, and how many leads you want to generate will enable you to pull relevant data to make your program successful.

Dormant Leads in the Database Nurturing your leads

Too Long of a Sales Cycle Buyers often educate themselves and explore their options before making a purchase, which is why the sales cycle is longer. Nurturing your leads enables you to shorten the sales cycle and convert more of those leads into buyers.

increases the tendency to buy by maintaining your customer relationships. Over time, these relationships

build brand loyalty, following, and trust.

Nurturing Program Has Low Engagement

Engagement is key. Having a lead nurturing program that

communicates and demonstrates the value you can provide through education and content builds trust.

Are you ready to close sales up to 23% faster? Learn how to implement a nurture campaign with our FREE GUIDE. Scan this QR code to download your guide today or visit / The Keap Insider / 23

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