The Keap Insider - Volume 1

Our 2020 IKON Award Winners Chantel and Mwale Henry on How They Built Success With Legacy Project LLC BUILDING THEIR LEGACY A t Keap, we value great ideas. Find out more about Mwale and Chantel’s top plays for success in the IKON 2020 Play- book, available online at Mwale and Chantel were also recent guests on Keap’s “Small Biz Buzz” podcast where they share more of their story. Make sure to check it out where you lis- ten to your podcasts. better, we name a winner, award- ing them with $15,000 for their great success. Pretty cool, right? We’re proud of all of our final- ists this year, and we are honored to introduce you to the 2020

Keap IKON Award winners: Chan- tel and Mwale Henry of Legacy Project LLC. As you’ll learn from their story, Chantel and Mwale have done something pretty great in the past year. We believe

Every year, we’re honored to recognize these great business leaders at our annual IKON conference, curated with some of the leading business experts

to help you utilize Keap better. We ask those businesses to share with us how they have grown and to open up those playbooks for their fellow entrepreneurs. Even

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