The Keap Insider - Volume 1

O ur clients have inspired us this year. Nothing could have prepared us for 2020, but many of our customers stayed ground- ed in their purpose and proved to their communi- ties that small-business leaders are the foundation of our country’s success and a strong economy. Entrepreneurs are help- ing us survive this mo- ment in history. They’re providing jobs, finding new and safe options for their patrons to enjoy their services, and fulfill- ing needs in their commu- nities. Just as a handy- man needs his tools, these entrepreneurs need

software that automates CRM, sales, and marketing tools to help them get the job done. (Because who else will?) At Keap, we have been honored to join you on this journey, acting as your virtual sidekick through a tough year. Through our Big Grit Campaign, we have introduced you to three entrepre- neurs who have dug into Keap’s tools and used their own genius to make 2020 one of their most successful years. Here’s a teaser of those stories, but you can learn more about their paths to success online at or on Keap’s “Small Biz Buzz” podcast. Finding His Rhythm: Nate Shaw

When he was 17 years old, Nate Shaw’s mother gave the budding musician his first drum set. All Nate ever wanted to do was play music, and his family readily supported him, as many were artists or people who struck out on their own path. His mother was a painter and printmaker who owned a movie theater with her husband, while his cousins and brother were musicians. His father was an entrepreneur as well. Determination to create was instilled in Nate from a young age, but he found his / The Keap Insider / 9

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