Pro PT inc May 2019

Clubs: Not Just for High School The Best Way to Stay Active in Retirement

While it’s great not having your nose to the grindstone nine-to-five, leaving work also means leaving behind a lot of daily activities and social interaction. Eventually, having nothing but free time goes from relaxing to isolating, and that can be dangerous to your physical and mental health. When planning for retirement, it’s important to plan ways to stay active and engaged. Joining a new organization or club can be a huge benefit. Here are a few suggestions to help you stay active in retirement. ENJOY YOUR HOBBIES Did you spend years dreaming about hitting the golf course every day? While it can be nice to spend some time alone on the green, consider joining a golfers club if you want to mix things up. Enjoy scrapbooking? Check for get-togethers at the craft shop. If you’ve always wanted to try pottery, look for a class at the rec center. It’s easy to find groups dedicated to just about any activity. GET INVOLVED Think of the causes you’re passionate about and get involved! Animal shelters and soup kitchens are always looking for volunteer help. Book lovers of all ages can join their local Friends of Libraries chapter. To make a

difference through politics, help with fundraisers or join an active campaign. If you want to stay closer to home, check out your local homeowners association. There are plenty of ways to engage with like-minded people while making a difference. TRY SOMETHING NEW Don’t know where to start when looking for a group to join? Start online! Try searching “groups for retirees” and see what comes up. You might discover a travel group and start planning your trip to Asia. Or maybe you’ll have more fun mentoring young people in your professional field. Don’t be afraid to spend your retirement doing something new! There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your alone time, but don’t let your alone time turn into a lonely retirement. Joining a group can help you broaden your social circle, stay active, and maybe even learn something new about yourself.


of the Month


“I chose this charity because one of my daughters had kidney problems in the past, and she had major surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital. The staff at Children’s is so amazing, and they treat the whole family during a crisis.”

– Lois Rice

Lois was chosen as patient of the month because of her quiet determination and work ethic. She is making a great recovery from surgery and working to advance her exercise and activity level every day. Lois has such a can-do attitude, and it is a pleasure to work with her. Plus, she makes the best banana bread!

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