Gamecover Seeds Handbook 2016 Email


Bumblebird (Autumn Sown Bird and PollenMix)

Designed to benefit insects in the summer and wild birds in autumn

Bumblebird contains:-

Winter Triticale Winter Barley Oilseed Radish Crimson Clover Birdsfoot Trefoil Gold of Pleasure

Kale (untreated) Vetch Common Knapweed Rough Hawkbit Ox-eye Dasiy

New Product

10 kilo / acre unit


TurtleDoveMix (WBS 4)

Provides a succession of feed sources Ideally sown on margins and headlands

Turtle Dove Mix contains:-

Vetch Birdsfoot Trefoil White and Red Clover

Black Medic Fumitory

New Product

10 kilo / acre unit



LinnetMix (WBS 5)

Provides an abundance of small seeds Succession of feed sources from September through to February Ideally sown on margins and headlands

Linnet Mix contains:-

Kale Oilseed Rape Red andWhite Millet

Linseed Mustard Oilseed Radish

20 kilo / 2.5 acre unit

New Product



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