Y8 Bulletin 17.01.25

FRIDAY MATHS PUZZLE Our learning focus for tutor time on Fridays this term is mathematics, with the maths department setting some thought provoking brain teasers each week for pupils to grapple with. Did you know that maths puzzles can boost mental maths skills? To solve a maths puzzle you must do simple maths in your head. At first you may need paper and a pen to work these out but with practice you will become more able to use memory and critical thinking skills to solves these in your head. Please have a go at this week’s problem, talk to your child about how they approached it and what the solutions were. We hope you enjoy these at home as much as the students have enjoyed them with their form!






Year 8/9 Basketball v Christ’s School

Won 60-20


Year 10/11 Rugby Tournament

Won 1 Lost 2

A Team lost 7-12 B Team won 12-7


Year 8/9 Basketball v SRR

Congratulations to the Year 8/9 Basketball team (pictured) who won their final league game against Christ’s School on Monday. They played a splendid game, convincingly beating their opponents 60-20! Well done! Despite a hard played tournament our Year 10/11 Rugby Team managed to only win one of their three matches on Tuesday. Well done to our try scorers Amelie B-A 11EAH, Eve H-P 10FGR and Neuza E-M 11SHO. With the Y7 Netball league beginning after Feb Half Term, we have begun friendly fixtures to get the ball rolling. On Thursday we took on Grey Court School. Having only played together twice during training both teams played extraordinarily well. Both games were extremely close, with some impressive netball knowledge displayed! Player of the match - A Team: Molly W. B Team: Sio D.

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