Calypso court case begins gŏđŏ
OTTAWA | The court case concerning al- leged safety violations involving the Ca- lypso water park near Limoges began Sept. 10 in Ottawa. The company has pled not guilty to 20 charges concerning alleged safety viola- tions reported in 2011 and 2012. Fourteen of the charges concern incidents involving the Steamer water slide. The company is al- leged to have failed to report and respond to the incidents involving the water slide. Another three charges concern an inci- dent June 27 2012 on the Pirate’s Aquaplay which involved a serious injury. The re- maining three charges concern an incident with the Orange Bobsleigh ride on June 19 2012 during which a man su"ered a frac- tured skull Lawyers for the company argued there is no need to hear testimony from eight of the 12 witnesses expected to recount de- tails and events on the day of the Orange BROCKVILLE | Sta! and administration for the Upper Canada school district are congratulating themselves on getting «a jumpstart ahead» of other districts for the 2014-2015 term. Director David K. Thomas of the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) expressed satisfaction with the district’s “courageous decision” to forge ahead last term with full implementation of the full- time kindergarten program at all UCDSB elementary schools instead of waiting one more year to #nish the project. “Two years ago, our district trustees and senior leadership determined we would fully implement full-time kindergarten one year ahead of the provincial mandate,”Tho- mas stated in a press release. “That made for a very di$cult, very tight budget last year because, of course, the provincial mo-
Bobsleigh incident. The company’s lawyers have o"ered to agree to several admissions if the witnesses were excused but Crown counsel argued that the witnesses’ testi- mony is essential to the court proceedings. Part of the testimony will concern whether or not sta" attending the ride failed in their supervisory duties before and after the crash occurred, causing injuries to people who were thrown from the ride. The Technical Standards and Safety Au- thority (TSSA) had ordered two of the rides at Calypso shut down after some partici- pants su"ered serious injuries. The rides were reopened after the company had changes made to them but the company has complained that the TSSA charges are “an abuse of power”. The company is also facing several pos- sible civil suits #led by people claiming in- juries from the rides. These claims have not been proven in court yet. ney to compress a #ve-year program into four did not come with it. But it was worth it to ensure our new students had a head start in their learning through the quality programming that full-time kindergarten (FTK) o"ers.” Thomas noted that the start of the new school term this September has been al- most perfect “with very few distractions” because all of the elementary schools are in line now with their full-time kindergarten programs while other school districts are still struggling to finish setting up their FTKs and adjust their budgets to accom- modate the final year of implementation. The provincial government set a five- year deadline for all Ontario school dis- tricts to introduce full-time kindergarten programs for their elementary school cur- riculums.
Photo Calypso
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Upper Canada schools jumpstart new term
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