PowerPoint Presentation

PENETRATING BONDS THAT LAST A LIFETIME Keim Limewash is made from dolomitic lime mined in the Alps and aged in lime pits, to ensure the highest quality. Aged, slaked lime is unlike any modern acrylic or latex paint finish. It penetrates and calcifies onto the brick, masonry or stucco becoming part of the surface. It will never peel, blister or flake and requires very little maintenance. Limewash can be applied in a variety of applications to provide a one-of-a-kind look to your home’s exterior. Modern paints contain thermo-plastic resins and can look “artificial” on brick, stone or stucco. Limewash is mineral matte flat, like the masonry itself, and always looks natural. Some call it an Old-World finish because of the unique patina that develops rapidly as it weathers. Due to the micro-porous nature of Limewash, it even darkens after rain, just like your masonry.

Limewash becomes part of your masonry

Limewash applied at left, penetrates porous brick and masonry, and calcifies

to chemically become part of the masonry. Limewash is not simply a paint

layer, like ordinary paint, and cannot chip, peel or blister from brick. The

crystalline nature of Limewash allows moisture vapor, that can build up inside

masonry, to freely evaporate to the outdoors without harm to the Limewash


Limewash also weathers gently for a desirable “old - world” look in a

short period of time.

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