King's Business - 1918-08

Cold prayers, like cold suitors, never make much headway. The more you pray, the more the Holy Ghost will push you out into service. A child of God can see more on his knees than a philosopher on h-is tip-toes. Prayer is not conquering God’s reluct­ ance but laying hold of His willingness. Prayer in Jesus’ name is repeating the Victor’s name in the devil’s ears. Trouble and perplexity drive us to prayer and prayer drives away trouble and perplexity. Praying without watching is like sow­ ing a field with precious seed, then leav­ ing the gate open for the swine to come in and root it up. God will always have to do in secret with the soul which He intends to serve Him in public. Satan trembles when he sees the weak­ est saint upon his knees. To pray and expect no answer is to shoot and not look where the bullet falls. Our ability to stay with God in the prayer closet is the measure of our ability to stay with God out of it. Our short prayers in public owe their point and efficiency to the long ones in private that have preceded them. If God is not first in our thoughts in the morning He will be last in our thoughts all day. To be little with God is to be little for God. The prayer closet is the best school for the Christian worker. One can see God in everything, but we can see Him best with our eyes closed in' prayer.

He who does not pray when the sun shines knows not how to pray when the clouds arise. God’s acquaintance is not made by pop- calls. He cannot bestow rich gifts on haSty comers and goers. Talking to men for God is a great thing but talking to God for men is a greater thing. Prayer is a promoter of activitiy for it puts one at the disposal of God for their part in bringing about the thing he desires. When the outlook is bad, try the uplook. Some go to prayer, not to ascertain the will of God, but to ask Him to do that on which they have fully set their minds. He that saveth his time from prayer shall lose it. He who loseth his time in communion with God shall find it again in blessing. Prayer means warfare; therefore every time we pray we possess more of the enemy’s ground. If there was more'private prayer, there would be shorter prayers in public. Soldiers of the Lord are doing real fighting when they are on their knees. Count it a blessing when God delays the answer to your prayer in order to enlarge your capacity to receive. God honors no drafts where there are no deposits. Prayer will make us leave off sinning or sinning will make us leave off praying. Anchor yourself to the throne of God, then shorten the rope. Prayer brings all heaven before our eyes and within our reach. Don’t pray for tasks equal to your pow­ ers but powers equal to your tasks.

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