King's Business - 1918-08


6 5 2 at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, in earth, and under the earth . . . ” all heaven and earth, and under the earth will recog­ nize the supreme Lordship of Jesus.— Even all His foes, wherever they are, will some time recognize that Jesus is the KING. See from the throne how He went step by step down to the cross, and then see the God-Man rise up again to the Kingship over all! , Christ reaches the highest point of power because He went down to the lowest humiliation, by the seven steps in Phil. 2:5-8, and so there is the seven­ fold (heavenly number) aspiration of praise, in Rev. 5:12. And as the heav­ enly praise dies away its echoes come back to the Throne, and everything in heaven joins in the great chorus of praise. As Prophet Christ was alone. As Priest. He stands alone, and treads the winepress alone. But as King He takes His people to sit with Him in His throne. The King of England was not alone When he was crowned in West­ minster Abbey,— the queen was crowned with him. And so when our KING of kings is crowned, we who are cleansed by His blood and sanctified by His Spirit, will be seated with Him, forever.

From Judas to Jesus Many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and anti-Christ. 2 John 1:7. Owing to no particular religious teaching, I was left free to make my own decision regarding all phases of my life. At an early age, I sought God and His ways and joined the Congregational church at the age of ten years. I was not instructed regarding the duty of prayer and the study of God’s Word. Now I wish there had been someone to lay upon my heart the burden of Bible study. How hungry my young heart was and how disappointed I was that there was not a deeper experience! The church services were mechanical; there was no spirit in their devotions. Christian workers— teach those under your guidance how to pray. Make them see how fascinating the study of God’s Word is. Make them see that it will explain itself, through the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Tell them they need no other'key, nor need they depend upon any text book to understand the plain statements of the Bible. It will be indicted by ,the third Person of the Trin­ ity Himself. (2 Pet. 1:21) Had I only been taught these things I would Have been spared the grievous offense of denying my Savior. I would have recog­ nized Satan in the kiss of Judas and when he explained away all the Gospel truths of the blessed old Book, I would have seen he was betraying me. A brother passed into the unknown beyond. I began studying all sorts of teachings and philosophies. Finally I felt I had found the key I wanted. “ Science and Health, with key to the Scriptures” by Mrs. Eddy, was put into my hands. Like a drowning person, I grasped this so-called key and united with the so-called “ Christian” scientists, getting my letter of fellowsihp from the

TODAY He liveth long who liveth well,

All else is life but flung away;

He liveth longest who can tell

Of true things truly done each day. Then fill each hour with what will last, Buy up the moments as they go; The life above, when this is past, Is the ripe fruit of life below. —Horatius Bonar.

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