King's Business - 1918-08



He created her. God has not placed its in life merely to have a jolly time and wear pretty clothes. God created each of us for a definite place and task in carrying out his world wide pur­ pose. The girl physically defective is deformed. The girl mentally defective is feeble minded or insane. What do we call the girl spiritually defective? The sad truth is that she often fails to real­ ize there is anything wrong with her. How to Grow Physically. Ordinar- ially God can do more through a strong healthy girl than He-can through a weak sickly one. Therefore, We owe it not merely to ourselves, to our loved ones, to posterity, but most of all to God to be well. Any habit or disease which hinders being our best physically is sin. Girls sometimes by a single imprudence undermine all their future health. To remember that God dwells within our bodies helps to make us wise. (1 Cor. 3:16; 6:15-20) For growth of our bodies we co-operate with God in the rightful uses of food, sleep, work and play. Food and sleep nourish and build up while work and play develop by exer­ cise. Undoubtedly Christ took His part in the home at Nazareth; helping Mother, assisting Joseph at the carpen­ ter’s bench, and playing wholesome games with the other boys of His day., He grew in stature. Mentally. You probably do not know many people who can not read or write. Nevertheless there are multitudes of mental dwarfs whom God has intended for mental giants. Practically every girl to-day who has health can have an edu­ cation if she wills. Any girls would resent and refuse to eat scraps of food mixed with poison and filth. Yet judging from the pictures outside the movie theatre, people are eager to feed their minds on this sort of thing for the joy of being tickled. God says “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” There­ fore, since our thoughts shape us, we should read the best books, not the cheapest; hear the best music, not the

to a large city. Christ was no exception. What event called Jews to Jerusalem? When people lived far distant MY , the journey was often made in GIRLS companies for safety. (See map) People traveled partly on foot and partly mule-back. The men usually traveled together and the women together. We can easily see how Jesus was lost; Mary thought that Jesus was with Joseph and Joseph thought that He was with Mary, or with the boys who usually ran on ahead. What in the city would most interest boys? It appears that His mother and Joseph had every confidence in Christ for they trusted Him to go about city and to spend the time as He chose. Tell the story vividly.' Let your thought center about v. 52, which illus­ trates the three fold growth God intends for every young person. “ Jesus increased in wisdom” (mental), “ and stature” (physical), “ and in favor with God and man” (spiritual). Have you ever planted trees and then watched them grow? Their growth in height may be likened to our physical growth, their breadth to our mental, and the unseen growth of roots to our spiritual. If these young trees do not grow they begin to die. It is the business of all young to grow. One of the saddest of sights was a wee tot the size of a three months old baby but in truth was six years old. Even sadder is a young woman of eigh­ teen physically natural, but who has only the mind of a child of five. She will play horse, riding any sort of stick for a horse. She is a constant charge to her parents. Saddest of all' is the young woman normal physically and mentally, but without God in her life. Have you ever seen, perhaps along a stream, a splendid big tree lying prostrate and useless? It had no roots to hold it strong and sturdy when the winds and storms came. So thè young woman no matter how attractive physically, or gifted mentally, if she is leaving God out, is defeating the purpose for which

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