King's Business - 1918-08

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS velously iguided. The life these Chris­ tians lived was so attractive that peo­ ple were daily wanting to accept Christ, (v. 47) Is that true in your Church? Why not? The life in which Christ is on the throne, thè life pivoting about Christ is certain to see results. God has always wanted to show Himself a won­ der-working God to His people. (Josh. 3:5; Jer. 33:3) These young Christians lived in an attitude toward,God which “ let” God do signs and wonders, (v. 43) We so often tie God’s hands by failing to ask and to expect. The life of the church is equivalent to the life of its members. Just as the^ health of the body is determined by the health of its members so sinning Christ-members (church member) hinders the entire church and God. 2. “ They continued steadfastly in fellowship.” When the church had a service these Christians were there, not out autoing, nor at social functions, nor entertaining company. These folks got on harmoniously together. There seems to have been no quarreling, no jealous­ ies, no friction. They discovered that any differences were preferences, not principals, and each unselfishly yielded. 3. They were missionary. They were not content to fenjoy Christ themselves and shut eyes, ears and pocket books to the needs of others. Observe what they did. (vs. 34-35). Ideal Pastors and Officers. The early church had many poor among them. Some may have thought that the pastor should raise money and care for them. The pastors said, “ No, choose conse­ crated men for this, we will give our­ selves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” They realized God had not called pastors to manage the social and charity life, but his divinely appointed task is to preach the Word, to nourish the souls of His people. Girls as soon as you accept Christ, unite with some church. Let it be the church whose pastor and people believe

705 in the Inspiration of the Bible and the deity of Christ, then you will be fed. Go at once to pastor, Sunday School Super­ intendent, or teacher and offer yourself to help in any way that you can. One of the greatest needs in our churches is a helpful and wholesome social life among young people. Ask God to use your brains and talents, and so offer to young people the best possible social time to be had. Approach.— How many of you boys and girls would like to have some one tell you a story? Yes, every single one of you, and I wonder how many of you would like to h a v e BEGINNERS Jesus tell you a story? AND Now that is fine, for PRIMARY you are to have your wish this very morn­ ing, for our lesson story is one Jesus himself told, and it shows us how we should be kind and helpful, where ever we are, and that means in our homes, kind and helpful to mother and father, and to little brothers and sisters. Prayer.— Thanking Jesus for His kindness and love to each one of us. Lesson Story.—-The story Jesus tells us about, happened on a steep, stony road leading down from the city of Jeru­ salem to Jericho. On either side of thè road there were mountains with great rocks on them, and it was a long, wind­ ing road and lonely to travel on, and many robbers hid themselves behind the rocks, and then when people would pass along the road, these robbers would jump out and throw the traveller down and take his money away from him. One day a man started down this lonely road,, and when he was walking along, some of these robbers jumped Out from behind the rocks, knocked him down, took away his money and even took his clothes away from him, and hurt him so there were cuts and bruises on his body, and the robbers went away and left the poor Memory Verse.— “ Be ye kind one to another.” Eph. 4:32.

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