King's Business - 1918-08

706 pounded man lying there in the road, nearly dead. While he lay on the ground too weak to rise and suffering from his wounds, he heard foot steps, and when he opened his eyes he saw a man coming toward him, wearing beautiful embroid­ ered garments, and then he knew he was the priest, or minister, and he felt sure he would feel sorry and help him. The minister stopped and looked at the poor wounded man, and then walked on and left him. This seems dreadful to think that a minister would pass by a man that needed help so badly as this poor man, but he did, and as,the poor suffering man saw him walk away he closed his eyes again, for he was cold and suffering and thought he would have to die there all alone. Just then he heard some more foot steps coming down the road, and then he thought surely this man would help him, but he too passed by on the other side of the road and left the man to suffer, and now he gave up all hope of any one else coming along to help him, for it was getting dark and so cold, for remember the robbers had taken his clothes, and he was suffering so much that he did not hear the foot steps of a burro coming down the road with a man on his back. When this man got to the place where the wounded man was, he got down from his burro. This man on the burro came from another part of the country, and »belonged to a class of people that the Jews did not like, and the wounded man was a Jew, and now I wonder if this man will be kind to a man who he knows does not like his people. Let us see what he will do. The first thing the poor wounded man knew he felt some one wiping the dirt and blood,from the cuts and bruises on his body and putting on some medicine and wrapping a warm cloak about him. Then the man put his arms under the poor wounded man and lifted him very carefully, so he would not hurt his sore body, and put him up on the burro, and then he walked along beside

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS him and held him on the burro, until they came to a hotel beside the road, and then he carried the wounded man in and put him into a bed, and took care of him all night; the next day the man with fhe burro had to go away, but he gave the man who kept the hotel some money, and asked him to take care of the wounded man, and if he needed any more money, he would pay him when he came bpck. Now the minister and the other man who passed by and did not help the wounded man, both knew what God said about being kind and helping each other, but they were only hearers and did not do God’s word. Can you tell me what kind of a foundation they were building their lives on? Yes just like building a house on the sand. If we do not do what God’s word tells us to do, Jesus knows we do not love him, and we will not be kind and help­ ful to each other. Now this last man was building his life on a strong founda­ tion, for he heard what God’s word told him to do about being kind and helpful, and he was kind and helped the poor man when he found him by the road side. Now we want to be doers of God’s word, and let us say our memory verse over a number of times. Now we are going to see how we can help each other this next- week, and I am going to ask you to tell me how you got along next Sunday, and you know the very best place to begin is in our homes, and O there are so many ways you can help mother, and be kind and helpful every day, and sometimes in our play w.e for­ get to be kind and helpful. Closing Prayer.— Thanking Jesus for showing us how to be kind, and for let­ ting us be little helpers. We should not approach the Bible with the question, “ How much of this can I understand?” but “ How much of it am I willing to obey?” The doors of the kingdom of truth swing on the hinges of obedience.

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