King's Business - 1918-08

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS person who is a cit- . Confessing Christ ILLUSTRATIONS Unnatural. A man once said to me, “ To become a Christian was unnatural.” This is true. “ The natural man receiv- eth not the things that be of the Spirit of God.” 1 Co. 2:14. Another man said to me one day— “ I wanted to confess Christ last night but I seemed to be glued to my seat.”, The fleshly nature had not sufficiently yielded to the divine Word and Spirit to act against its feelings and in answer to God. A doctor who had lately come to Christ said, “ I ! do not see why I can­ not speak in public for Christ with free­ dom. I have never had any trouble speaking before the members of my pro­ fession when gathered in large num­ bers.” He had not learned that free­ dom of the Spirit that comes from a yielded life to God, while freedom in the flesh is perfectly the old nature. Confessing Christ a Privilege. A young soldier embraced religion. When asked what had wrought the change in him, he took out a letter from his mother and placed his finger on the last sentence, which said, “ Charlie, we are all praying for you, that you may become a Christian.” He added, “ The thought in that sentence found way to my soul.” A little girl looked anxiously into the face of her backsliding father and said with quivering lips, “ Pa, is God dead?” “ No, my child, why do you ask that?” “ Why, pa you never talk to Him now as you used to do,” she replied. These words followed the father until he was mercifully reclaimed. Confessing Christ a Duty. Christ said, “ But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which, is in heaven.” John Callahan, who is at the head of a' large rescue mission on the Bowery in New York City, saidy “ from childhood PERTINENT LESSON izen of heaven.

710 testimony at the tomb of His resurrec­ tion— now bear record that He will come again,—-the same Jesus. He will come in person, with the same nail- pierced hands, the same loving Friend and Companion. He will come visibly. They will see Him. He will come in the same manner, in a cloud, and His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives. This comforting message from the heavenly visitants, is the hope of the Church. Jesus is coming! The blessed Lord who loved us, died for us, the mighty' Conqueror, is coming again! Look upj look out, go about your work, witness with glad hearts. Some day, the hour unknown, He will descend with a shout and we shall be caught up to be with Him. We shall see Him, and be like Him. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Christ ascended that the Holy Spirit might descend. (2) He was received by a cloud, and shall be revealed in a cloud. (3) The perpetual office of the people of Christ is to witness. (4) The power of the Holy Ghost upon us is the proof that we are His witnesses. (5) The work of the witness is to tes­ tify to the truth. (6) There is no better preparation for service than patient, prayerful waiting upon God. (7) It is a burning shame that any believer should be ashamed of Jesus. (8) Have the courage of your convic­ tions and confess Christ con­ tinually. (9) Who doubts the visible, corporal, local return of Jesus, denies the witnesses in white.

A citizen of the U. S. who is ashamed, or who has not the courage to confess he is a citizen, is not worthy of a place to live in this country. So it is with a

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