King's Business - 1918-08



the Risen One and He had breathed the Spirit into them. Oh, let us bow at His feet and yield to the Holy Spirit to reveal and assert His mighty claim, and let us with the whole heart accept the command as our one life purpose— the Gospel to every creature.—Murray. Have you the Master’s permission to stay home?— Hunter. There is a mighty “ go” in the word “ Gospel” .— Sel. One day a girl came to school wearing a beautiful new pear brooch. She urged all her friends to visit the jeweler who was offering such unusual values. This jeweler did no public adver- IViY tising. He was depending GIRDS upon his customers to pass the word on. Dr. Gordon suggests that some angel may have talked with Christ after His return to heaven something like this. “ Master you died for the whole world down there?” “ Yes.” “ Do th ^ all know about it?” “ Only a few.” “ Mas­ ter, how is the world to heart.” “ I asked Peter, James and John to tell it to others, and they to tell it to others, until the last person in the furtherest circle has heard.” “ Suppose Peter grows too busy, or James becomes indif­ ferent?” Christ replied, “ I have no other plan.” Peter, James and John lived in Palestine. They did tell others and the others told still others. In time the news spread to other continents and at last somebody told us. What would my life if I did not have Jesus and did not know that God loved me? But He loves other girls over this world just as much as He loves me. God might have used angels, but no, He asks to use my lips to pass the word on to others. Hudson Taylor heard God speaking to him in these words. “ I want to evan­ gelize China and I’ll use you if you will let me.” • If we will only say to God, “ I’m willing to be used, make me usable.” the Holy Spirit will do the rest. It is His office to come to my rescue when I am face to face with any oppor-

own strength. God calls for .those who , have no might nor power, hut yearn to be filled with His power — Sel. The one supreme qualification of Christ’s witnesses is this: that they be endued and endowed with power by the Holy Spirit. In them He so incarnates Him­ self that through them He works upon others, making them teachers of truth, annointed witnesses, testifying to and glorifying Christ; inspired witnesses, not speaking from themselves; effective witnesses, convincing the world of sin, rightousness and judgment.— Pierson. Holy Ghost come upon you. A religion without the Holy Ghost, though it had all the ordinances and doctrines of the New Testament would certainly not be Christianity.—Wm. Arthur. Where the Holy Ghost dwells, He will not suffer a man to be idle.-^Luther. Many a man is praying to God to fill him with the Holy Ghost when he is already filled with something else. The moment our hearts are emptied of pride, selfishness, ambition, and everything that is con­ trary to God’s law,'the Holy Ghost will come and fillj^y-Moody. Shall be witnesses. The power of the Spirit was not merely for the purpose of making them happy but to make them witnesses.— Torrey. It is a solemn responsibility to have in one’s possession a reprieve for men under condemnation and then not deliver it.— Sel. If God could speak through Balaam’s ass, he can speak through you, if you will let Him.— Victoria Clibborn. Many Chris­ tians are like the north river— frozen at the mouth.— A. L. Aldrich. ,Unto uttermost parts. No power but the Holy Ghost could take a man through these 1regions. The man in whom is the burning of the Holy Ghost will be constrained by the love of Christ to go everywhere.—^Parker. My parish is the world.—Wesley. Have you won- ' dered that the disciples accepted the great command so easily and heartily? They came fresh from Calvary where they had seen the blood. They had met

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