King's Business - 1918-08

TITLES OF THE CHARTS Rightly Dividing the W o r d—The Creative A g e s— Mountain P e a k s o f Prophecy — Perspective o f Prophecy .-%* Th e Jews—T h e Gen­ tiles—The Church H - The Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Ezekiel, Daniel and Reve­ lation—The King —The Kingdom— T h e Millennial Land — Kingdom of Heaven Para­ bles The Spirit World — Satan— Resurrections and Judgments—Anti- Christ ,—Messages to the S e v e n Churches — Dan­ iel’s Seventieth Week—The Cove­ nants^—T h e Tab­ ernacle — Feasts oP the L o r d— Types and Anti­ types —Prophetic Days of Scripture — P r o p h etical Chronology —The Mysteries, etc., etc. Reduced Sample Chart The author has ,spent o v e r 30 y e a r s in the study of Dispen- satianal Tr u t h , and •18 charts of his a r e widely used in B i b l e Schools, and cir­ culated over the world. The Book is s an e ; not a “t i me ,setter” ; contains no spec­ ulative ma t t e r , and is of incalcu­ lable value to all who are interest­ ed in Prophetic Truth.

A GREAT BOOK ON Dispensational Truth Containing 40 Splendid Prophetical Charts, each 9x20 inches and 22 Chapters of Descriptive Matter

Published by the Author CLARENCE LARKIN, F ox Chase, Phila., Pa. Price Postpaid $2.50. Remit by P. 0. Order.


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