Responsible Investment Report 2022


ESG integration


Active ownership

Climate change

Partnership with Prudential

Community and people

A final word

HERA ESG a centralised cloud that powers our ESG reporting and monitoring HERA is Eastspring’s proprietary cloud- native Data & AI platform, which empowers users to perform data analytics and create customised reports. Chief amongst its functions includes HERA ESG, which holds select ESG data and powers analytics built on a centralised data source. HERA ESG powers the three dashboards that are currently developed for reporting and monitoring, and enhancements will be made on an ongoing basis. In 2023, we will explore rolling out centralised data access and dashboards to Eastspring LBUs.

Aligns awareness amongst investment teams of ongoing, potentially financially material ESG issues, including how these issues may evolve in real-time. Triggers critical analysis of ESG issues with the ESG specialist team to reassess and refine, where necessary, the investment hypothesis Triggers targeted ESG engagement with companies on financially material ESG issues Increases timely understanding of ESG issues material to Eastspring’s portfolios, which is fed back into the investment analysis process.

WACI & Exposures Dashboard

Engagement Dashboard

CVaR Dashboard

This dashboard is used to monitor the WACI and exclusion exposures of Prudential investment portfolio. This is referred to when putting together the monthly deck for reporting.

This dashboard is used to consolidate all engagement activity across Eastspring. This also allows us to quickly aggregate and view a breakdown of all our engagement statistics.

The dashboard is used to view the Climate Value at Risk (“CVAR”) and Implied Temperature Rise (“ITR”) of the investment portfolio and underlying funds. It has the capacity for switching between the scenarios and providing comparisons.

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