Responsible Investment Report 2022



Active ownership

ESG integration

Climate change

Partnership with Prudential

Community and people

A final word

32% of senior management are women

Managing USD 221.4bn

300+ investment professionals

52.5% of employees are women

31 nationalities employed

Note: All numbers are as at 31 January 2023, except for AUM.

We harness on the ground expertise across 11 markets, including joint- ventures, by drawing on our in-depth local understanding of Asian corporates, sovereigns, and markets when assessing ESG risks and opportunities 2 . We leverage the ESG know-how and expertise gained from being entrusted by Prudential to achieve its sustainability target, for the benefit of all our customers. We provide customised responsible investment solutions to meet their clients’ needs, whilst aligning with Eastspring’s group-wide governance framework. The diversity of our workforce allows for the construction of wide perspectives, improves our decision making process, and helps us deliver better outcomes for our clients.

2 Please refer to the relevant fund prospectuses or offering documents for further information on material risks and relevant ESG issues.

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