Business Administration, MBA

Pursuing an MBA at Swansea University has been a transformative experience, providing me with a unique blend of business acumen covering crucial aspects such as innovation, organizational purpose, change management, financial understanding, leadership, decision-making, data analysis, and sustainable value creation. The program has not only reinforced my 18 years of practical experience but has also equipped me with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, instilling in me the confidence to tackle challenges in any country or field.

SAM TANEJA Business Administration, MBA

As a student I feel extremely privileged to get an opportunity to study in Swansea University. It has been quite a wonderful experience as a student. As a student I benefitted from a rich blend of academic excellence and vibrant campus life. The lectures were engaging with experienced faculties who are always ready to guide us in our academic progress. With a class of multi-cultural students, it really was a great experience to connect with everyone and share our life experiences. Overall, studying in Swansea University has been a memorable journey for me contributing to my academic as well as personal growth.

ANINDA HALDER Business Administration, MBA

The transition from Goa to Swansea was initially daunting, but the welcoming and inclusive environment at the university made it a smooth and enjoyable experience. Living in a new country has exposed me to diverse cultures, perspectives, and ideas, which have significantly shaped my worldview. This international exposure has been one of the most valuable aspects of my MBA journey, fostering a deeper understanding of global business practices and enhancing my cultural competence.

PRIYANKA PRATIK SALKAR Business Administration, MBA

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