Pulse Forward 12 | Let's get logistical!


don’t, they get a yellow card and then they would get a red and then they’re removed from the Register. Do you think technology like blockchain will reduce fraud in the future? I have a different view on these tech advances because they work on the assumption that all business is good but unfortunately that is not reality. We see all the efficiencies and understand all the arguments as to why but for us it doesn’t change the nature of fraud and, in many ways, it may just accelerate it. Take the collusion angle, for example, if you allow people into these systems and you have a buyer in one country and a seller in another and they’re both in on the fraud, the fraud is still there - be it on paper or on the blockchain. Those that currently own the risk will still own the risk, only now they will not be able to quickly identify it, which is concerning.

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