OrthosportsPT_ Improve Your Health: Strengthen Your Core

How is your posture? Posture is an important part of everyday life that many of us tend not to focus on – Do you slouch in your desk chair, or slump at your computer while you do work? When you stand for prolonged periods of time, do you notice your stomach sticking out a bit? These are all signs of core muscle weakness that can affect your posture and cause pain in your back or neck. Your core muscles help you do a lot – from sitting, to walking, to doing a large number of physical activities. If your core muscles are weak, you may unknowingly be causing some damage to your body. Contact Orthosports Physical Therapy today to figure out how we can help you strengthen your core muscles and improve your overall health.

Health & Fitness We help people in pain return to normal naturally.

Are you in pain and want to know how physical therapy can help? Our therapists are happy to provide a free screening of your condition. Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule!


25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details!

How is your posture? Posture is an important part of everyday life that many of us tend not to focus on – Do you slouch in your desk chair, or slump at your computer while you do work? When you stand for prolonged periods of time, do you notice your stomach sticking out a bit? These are all signs of core muscle weakness that can affect your posture and cause pain in your back or neck. Your core muscles help you do a lot – from sitting, to walking, to doing a large number of physical activities. If your core muscles are weak, you may unknowingly be causing some damage to your body. Contact Orthosports Physical Therapy today to figure out howwe can help you strengthen your core muscles and improve your overall health. What exactly are the core muscles? When most people think of core muscles, they immediately think of the abdominals. However, the core is made up of muchmore than that! In fact, your coremuscles include your abdominal, lower back, pelvic, and gluteus muscles. The group of muscles that make up your core help with stabilizing your body, constructing your posture, and allowing your skeleton to move properly. When any of the muscles within that group become weak, your body experiences an instability that makes it difficult for your body to function properly. As a result, you end up compensating by straining different areas of the body, most commonly the back and neck muscles. As a result, this leads to undesirable consequences, such as poor posture, fatigue, inflammation, or pain. IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH BY STRENGTHENING YOUR CORE

Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!

When you are experiencing pain, sometimes it is necessary to seek the assistance of a trained professional in the field of human movement. At Orthosports Physical Therapy, our licensed physical therapists will conduct a physical evaluation to determine where the pain is rooted and what muscles must be strengthened in order to correct it. Whether you are feeling pain in your back, neck, shoulders, or legs, we will perform a thorough analysis of your posture, movement, and strength to pinpoint exactly what is causing your pain. From there, we will create an individualized treatment plan for you based on your specific needs, aimed at strengthening your core, improving your posture, and alleviating your pain. There are also a few tips you can do on your own, either before PT treatments or in combination with them, in order to strengthen your core and relieve your pain. These include: There are also a few tips you can do on your own, either before PT treatments or in combination with them, in order to strengthen your core and relieve your pain. These include: 1. Improving your posture. Make sure to stand up frequently, at least every 30 minutes, and vary your positions of work throughout the day. Aim to correct your posture when sitting and standing, making adjustments as needed. 2. Avoiding injury. Make sure you know the proper way to lift, bend, and pick up objects, even if they are not heavy. It is important to lift with your legs, rather than your back. Our experts can show you proper body mechanics with everyday tasks. 3. Getting adequate rest and exercise. Every day takes a toll on your body, 1. Improving your posture. Make sure to stand up frequently, at least every 30 minutes, and vary your positions of work throughout the day. Aim to correct your posture when sitting and standing, making adjustments as needed. 2. Avoiding injury. Make sure you know the proper way to lift, bend, and pick up objects, even if they are not heavy. It is important to lift with your legs, rather than your back. Our experts can show you proper body mechanics ith everyday tasks. . Ge ting adequate rest and xercise. Every day takes a t ll on your body, HOWCAN I STRENGTHEN MY CORE MUSCLES? When you are experiencing pain, sometimes it is necessary to seek the assistance of a trained professional in the field of human mov ment. At Orthosports Physical Therapy, our licensed physical therapists will conduct a physical evaluation to determine wher the pain is rooted and what muscles must be strengthened in order to correct it. Whether you are feeling pain in your back, neck, shoulders, or legs, we will perform a thorough analysis of your posture, movement, and strength to pinpoint exactly what is causing your pain. From there, we will create an individualized treatment plan for you based on your specific needs, aimed at strengthening your core, improving your posture, and alleviating your pain. HOWCAN I STRENGTHEN MY CORE MUSCLES?

Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today! Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 71 .634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!

even if you don’t realize it. Sleep deprivation can actually worsen your pain tolerance and decrease your strength. Relaxing and sleeping helps your body to rejuvenate after a long day, and those hours before 12 a.m. are especially important. Exercising can help you fall asleep earlier, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed the next day. By taking a walk for at least 30 minutes every day, you can get better sleep at night, in addition to improving your strength, flexibility, and heart health. 4. Eating nutritious meals.If you are in pain, it is incredibly important to eat the right foods. A poor diet can aggravate your pain by causing further inflammation, especially when eating processed or fried foods. Instead, make it a habit to eat vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. It is also important to drink a lot of water, as dehydration can dry out your tissues. Keep a glass of water by your desk and refill it during the day so you (and your tissues) stay hydrated. 5. Getting expert help. The best solution for your back or neck pain is to restore proper movement, strength, and coordination for maximum results. At Orthosports Physical Therapy, our physical therapists are here to help you improve your function and relieve your pain. If you are looking to strengthen your core, relieve your pain, and improve your overall health, contact us today!

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to strengthen your core muscles.

FRONT PLANK FOREARMS & FEET Lie on your stomachwith elbows bent. Your legs should be straight out behind you with your feet together. Raise up on your forearms and toes. Create a nice straight line with your body from your head to your heels. Concentrate on tucking your pelvic to engage your abs, squeezing your glutes and quads to keep your legs straight, and squeezing your legs together as you hold. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.

exercises copyright of

w w w . s i m p l e s e t . n e t

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3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees 3 sy teps o eal hy ne s 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Kn es Ea St T He lt Kn SPECIAL OFFER! 25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details! Call us today at (716) 634-1578 or visit our website at orthosportspt.com to learn more about our Laser Packages and how they can help you! Americ ’s Favorite Pastime Is Back! 25%OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! SPECIAL OFFER! 25% A R A S S ECI L O 25 O F OUR LASER PACKAGES! SPECIAL OFFER! OF OUR LASE PACKAGE ! SPECIAL OFFER! After month of no prof ssional sports due to the COVID pandemic, baseball is the first to return to action. Seems appropriate since even though baseball has lost some of its popularity, it is still considered America’s favorite pastime. With that in mind we thought we’d share what may be some fun and in some cases weird facts about the game we love. 1. When Jimmy Pearsall hit his 100th home run in 1963, he ran the bases backwards to celebrate—ran them in order, just facing backwards. After months of no profes ional sp r s due to he COVID and mic, baseb ll is the first to return to action. See appropriate since eve though aseball has os some of its popularity, it is still considered America’s favorite pastime. With that in mind we thought we’d share what may be some fun and in some cases weird facts about the game we love. 1. When Jimmy Pearsall hit his 100th home run in 1963, he ran the bases backwards to celebrate—ran them in order, just facing backwards. After months of no professional s rts due to the COVID pandemic, baseball is the first to return to action. Seems appropriate since even though baseball has lost some of its popularity, it is still considered America’s favorite pastime. With that in mind we thought we’d share w t may be some fun and in som cases weird facts about the ga we love. 1. When Jimmy Pearsall hit his 100th home run in 1963, he ran the bases backwards to celebrate—ran them in order, just facing backwards. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with running or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain. Here are easy ways for you to take care of your knees, avoiding arthritis and other joint problems: Here are easy ways for you to take care of your knees, avoiding arthritis and other joint proble s: He e are easy ways f r you to take care of your knees, avoiding ar hritis and other joint problems: 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and adductor muscles each day. By keeping these muscles flexible, the forces on your knee joints can be balanced, allowing your joint to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kneecap) to track properly. 2. Keep the muscles around your hips and knees strong. Especially the gluteals and quadriceps muscles. Studies show that those adults, especially over 55 who have stronger gluteals and quadriceps, tend to have less back pain and more ability to do daily activities. 2. Keep the muscles around your hips and knees strong. Especial y the gluteals and quadriceps muscles. Studies show that those adults, especially over 55 who have stronger gluteals and quadriceps, tend to have less back pain and more ability to do daily activities. 2. Keep the mu cles around your hips and knees strong. Especially the glute ls and quadriceps muscles. Studies show hat those adult , specially over 55 who have stronger glute ls and quadriceps, tend to have less back pain and more ability t do d ily act vities. 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and a uctor muscles each day. B ke ping these muscles flexible, the forces on y ur kne joints can be balanced, allowing your j int to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kne cap) to track properly. 2. Ke p the muscles around your hips and kne s trong. Especially the glutea s and quadriceps muscles. Studies show that those adults, especially over 5 who have stronger glutea s and quadriceps, tend to have les back pain and more abil ty to do daily activities. 3. Exercise regularly. While this is good for the whole body, the knees especially need exercise to keep their cartilage healthy. The cartilage does not have much blood supply and requires its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the cartilage only through movement and compression of the knee. Therefore, it is important to do weight bearing exercises such as walking, running, and other sports. However, if you have arthritis, it is advised to do less impact activities such as biking, elliptical machines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy checkup ensures that your joints are working at their peak performance. In addition, any problems will be discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you do have arthritis or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy check up is especially important. If your attention is on that sore knee, then it is time you called us for a free knee joint analysis. Talk to one of our expert physical therapists today and see how life can be with freely moving knees. 3. Exercise regularly. While this is go d for the whole body, the knees especial y need exercise to ke p their cartilage healthy. The cartilage does not have much blood sup ly and requires its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the cartilage only through movement and compression of the knee. Therefore, it is important to do weight bearing exercises such as walking, running, and other sports. However, if you have arthritis, it is advised to do less impact activities such as biking, el iptical machines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy checkup ensures that your joints are working at their peak performance. In addition, any proble s wil be discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you do have arthritis or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy check up is especial y important. If your at ention is on that sore kne , then it is time you called us for a fre kne joint analysis. Talk to one of our expert physical therapists today and se how life can be with fre ly moving knees. 3. Exercis regu arly. While this is good for the whole body, th kn specially need exercise to keep their c rtilage healthy. The c rtilage does not have much blood supply and require its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the c rtilage only through mov me t and compression of the knee. The efore, it is impor ant t do weight bearing exercises such as walking, ru ning, and other sports. However, if you h ve ar hri s, it is advised t do less imp act vities such as biking, elliptical machines, quatic exercis s, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy heckup ensures hat your joints are working at their peak performance. In additio , any problems will be discover d early, preve ting the onset of ar hritis and jo nt injury. If you do have ar hritis or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy heck up is specially impor ant. If your a e tion is on hat sore knee, then it s time you called us for a free knee joi t analysis. Talk to ne f our xpert physical therapists tod y and see how life can be with freely moving knees. 3. Exercise regularly. While t s i go d for the w ole b dy, the kne s especially ne d exercise to ke p their cartilage healt y. The cartilage do s not have much blo d sup ly and requi s its nutrit on fr m j int fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorb into the cartilage only through movement and compres ion of the kn . Ther fore, it is important o do weight bearing ex rcises such as walking, run i g, and other spo t . However, if you have arthrit s, it s advised to do les impact activit es uch as biking, elliptical m chines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy checkup ensure that your j ints are working at heir peak erformance. I ad it on, any problems will be discover d arly, preventing the ons t of arthrit s and joint injury. If ou d have arthrit s or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy check up is especially important. If your attention is on that sore kne , th n it s t me you called us for a fre kne joint analysi . Talk to ne of our expert physical therapists today and se how life can be with fre ly moving kne s. We’ve all gone a little crazy during this COVID 19 pandemic, so to ease some of that craziness, Orthosports is having a sale on laser packages. For a limited time, we are offering 25% off the usual price of our packages. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of what laser therapy offers. Do you have chronic pain? Stiff/swollen joints? How about a more recent injury that you want to speed up the healing process? If you said yes to any of these things, then laser treatment is for you. Call our office now at (716) 634-1578 to schedule a demonstration or to buy a package. This offer expires 09/30/20. Do you have chronic pain? Stiff/swol en joints? How about a more recent injury that you want to speed up the healing process? If you said yes to any of these things, then laser treatment is for you. Call our of ice now at (716) 634-1578 to schedule a de onstration or to buy a package. This of er expires 09/30/20. D you have chronic pain? Stiff/swollen joints? How about a mor recent injury that you want to speed up the healing process? If you said yes to any of these things, then laser treatment is f r you. Call our office now at (71 ) 634-1578 to schedule a demonstrati n or to buy a p ckage. This off r expires 09 3 /20. Do you have chronic pain? Stiff/swollen joi ts? How about a more recent injury that you want o spe d up the healing proces ? If you said yes to any of these things, then laser treatment is for you. Cal our ffice now at (716) 634-1578 to schedul a demonstration or to buy a package. This offer expir s 09/3 /20. 5. Jackie Mitchell, a 17 yr. old female pitcher for the AA Chattanooga Lookouts, once played an exhibition game against the NY Yankees and struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession. We hope you enjoyed these fun tidbits and are happy to share that Orthosports is a proud sponsor of Mathewson McCarthy Baseball this season. 5. Jackie Mitchell, a 17 yr. old female pitcher for the AA Chattanooga Lookouts, once played an exhibition game against the NY Yankees and struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession. We hope you enjoyed these fun tidbits and are happy to share that Orthosports is a proud sponsor of Mathewson McCarthy Baseball this season. e’ve all gone a lit le crazy during this COVID 19 pande ic, so to ease so e of that craziness, Orthosports is having a sale on laser packages. For a limited time, we are of ering 25% of the usual price of our packages. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of what laser therapy of ers. W ’ve all gone a ittle crazy during this COVID 19 pandemic, s to a e some of hat craziness, Orth sports is having sale on laser p ckages. For a limited time, we are offering 25% off the usual price f our p ckages. Thi is a great pportuni y o take dv ntage of the benefits of what laser therapy offers. We’ve all gone a little crazy during this COVID 19 pandemic, so to ease some f that crazines , Orthosports is having a sale on laser packages. For a limited time, we are off ring 25% off the usual price of our packages. This is a great op ortunity to take dvantage of the benefits of what laser therapy offers. 2. During WWII, the U.S. military designed a grenade to be the size and weight of a baseball since “any young American man should be able to properly throw it.” 2. During WWII, the U.S. military designed a grenade to be the size and weight of a baseball since “any young American man should be able to properly throw it.” The kne joint is one of the most co plicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with run ing or jumping. This incredible joint has to ove over a mil ion times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weigh with ru ning or jumping. This incredible joint has t move over a million tim s each ye r and over 80 million times over a l fetime. This is also th reason why things can go wrong, caus ng injury and pain. The kne joint s one of the most complicated joints i the body and has to bear up to 6 imes your body weight with run i g or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetim . This is also the reason why things can go wr ng, causing injury and pain. Her are asy wa s for you to take care of your kne s, avoid ng arthrit s and other joint problems: 1. Stretch your ha strings, quadriceps, and adductor uscles each day. By ke ping these muscles flexible, the forces on your knee joints can be balanced, al owing your joint to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kne cap) to track properly. 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and adductor mu cl s each day. By keeping these muscl s flexible, the forces on your knee joints can e balanced, allowing your joint to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kneecap) to track roperly. America’s Favorite Pastime Is Back! merica’ i a time Is Back! 3. Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand and went on to have a 10 s aso major league c reer ev n th owing no-hitter in 1993 while playing for th NY Yankees against the Clevel nd Indians. 4. Every single major league baseball is rubbed with Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, which is only f und in a secret l cation in Palmyra, NJ. 2. During WWII, the U.S. military designed a grenade to be the size and weight of a baseball since “any young American man should be able to properly throw it.” 3. Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand and went on to have a 10 season major league career even throwing a no-hitter in 1993 while playing for th NY Yankees ag inst the Cleveland Indians. 4. Every singl major league baseball is rubb wit Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, which is only fou d in a cret location in Palmyra, NJ. 3. Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand and went on to have a 10 season major league career even throwing a no-hitter in 1993 while playing for the NY Yankees against the Cleveland Indians. 4. Every single major le gue ba eball is rubbed with Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, which is only found in a secret location in Palmyra, NJ. 5. Jackie Mitchell, a 17 yr. old female pitcher for the AA Chattanooga Lookouts, o ce played an exhibition game against the NY Yankees a d struck out Babe Ru h and Lou G hrig in s ccession. We hope you enjoyed these fun tidbits and are happy to share that Orthosports is a p oud sponsor f Mathewson McCarthy Baseball this season. SPECIAL OFFER! 25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details! Call us today at (716) 634-1578 or visit o w b e at orthosportspt.com to learn more about our Laser Packages and how they can help you! ll us today at (716) 634-1578 or visit our website t t osp rt t.co to learn more about our Laser a ho they can help you! SPECIAL OFFER! 25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details!

Follow and review us on social media! Follow and review us on social media! F llow and r view us on social media! Fol ow and review us on s cial media!

America’s Favorite Pastime Is Back! After months of no professional sports due to the COVID pandemic, baseball is the first to return to action. Seems appropriate since even though baseball has lost some of its popularity, it is still considered America’s favorite pastime. With that in mind we thought we’d share what may be some fun and in some cases weird facts about the game we love. 1. When Jimmy Pearsall hit his 100th home run in 1963, he ran the bases backwards to celebrate—ran them in order, just facing backwards. After months of no profes ional sports due to he COVID pandemic, baseball is the first to return to action. See appropriate since even though baseball has lost some of its popularity, it is still considered America’s favorite pastime. With that in mind we thought we’d share what may be some fun and in some cases weird facts about the game we love. 1. When Jimmy Pearsall hit his 100th home run in 1963, he ran the bases backwards to celebrate—ran them in order, just facing backwards. 25%OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! SPECIAL OFFER! 25 O F OUR LASER PACKAGES! SPECIAL OFFER! 2. During WWII, the U.S. military designed a grenade to be the size and weight of a baseball since “any young American man should be able to properly throw it.” 3. Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand and went on to have a 10 season major league career even throwing a no-hitter in 1993 while playing for the NY Yankees against the Cleveland Indians. 4. Every single major league baseball is rubbed with Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, which is only found in a secret location in Palmyra, NJ. 3. Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand and went on to have a 10 season major league career even throwing a no-hitter in 1993 while playing for th NY Yankees ag inst the Cleveland Indians. 4. Every single major league baseball is rubbed with Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, which is only found in a secret location in Palmyra, NJ. Do you have chronic pain? Stiff/swollen joints? How about a more r cent injury that you want to speed up the healing process? If you said yes to a y of these things, then laser treatment is for yo . Call our office now at (716) 634-1578 to schedule a demonst ation or to buy a package. This offer expires 09/30/20. Do you have chronic pain? Stiff/swol en joints? How about a more recent injury that you want to speed up the healing process? If you said yes to any of the things, then laser treatment is for you. Call our of ice now at (716) 634-1578 to schedule a de onstration or to buy a package. This of er expires 09/30/20. D you have chronic pain? Stiff/swollen joints? How about a mor recent injury that you want to spe up t e heali g process? If you said yes to any of these things, then laser treatm nt is for you. Call our office now at (71 ) 634-1578 to schedule a demonstrati n or t buy a p ckage. This off r expires 09 3 /20. Do you have chronic pain? Stiff/swollen joi ts? How about a more recent injury that you want o spe d up the healing proces ? If you said yes to any of these things, then laser treatment is for you. Cal our ffice now at (716) 634-1578 to schedul a demonstration or to buy a package. This offer expir s 09/3 /20. 3. Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand and went on to have a 10 season major league career even throwing a no-hitter in 1993 while playing for the NY Yankees against the Cleveland Indians. 4. Every single major league baseball is rubbed with Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, which is only found in a secret location in Palmyra, NJ. 5. Jackie Mitchell, a 17 yr. old female pitcher for the AA Chattanooga Lookouts, once played an exhibition game against the NY Yankees a d struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession. We hope you enjoyed these fun tidbits and are happy to share that Orthosports is a proud sponsor of Mathewson McCarthy Baseball this season. 5. Jackie Mitchell, a 17 yr. old female pitcher for the AA Chattanooga Lookouts, once played an exhibition game against the NY Yankees and struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession. We hope you enjoyed these fun tidbits and are happy to share that Orthosports is a proud sponsor of Mathewson McCarthy Baseball this season. 5. Jackie Mitchell, a 17 yr. old female pitcher for the AA Chattanooga Lookouts, once played an exhibition game against the NY Yankees and struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession. We hope you enjoyed these fun tidbits and are happy to share that Orthosports is a proud sponsor of Mathewson McCarthy Baseball this season. SPECIAL OFFER! 25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details! SPECIAL OFFER! 25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details! Call us today at (716) 634-1578 or visit our website at orthosportspt.com to learn more about our Laser Packages and how they can help you! ll us today at (716) 634-1578 or visit our website t t osp rt t.co to learn more about our Laser a ho they can help you! Call us today at (716) 634-1578 or visit our website at orthosportspt.com to learn more about our Laser Packages and how they can help you! America’s Favorite Pastime Is Back! America’s Favorite a time Is Back! After months of no professional s rts due to the COVID pandemic, baseball is the first to return to action. Seems appropriate since even though baseball has lost some of its popularity, it is still considered America’s favorite pastime. With that in mind we thought we’d share what may be some fun and in som cases weird facts about the ga we love. 1. When Jimmy Pearsall hit his 100th home run in 1963, he ran the bases backwards to celebrate—ran them in order, just facing backwards. 2. During WWII, the U.S. military designed a grenade to be the size and weight of a baseball since “any young American man should be able to properly throw it.” 2. During WWII, the U.S. military designed a grenade to be the size and weight of a baseball since “any young American man should be able to properly throw it.” We’ve all gone a little crazy during this COVID 19 pandemic, so to ease some of that craziness, Orthosports is having a sale on laser packages. For a limited time, we are offering 25% off the usual pric of our packages. This is a gr at opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of what laser ther py offers. e’ve all gone a lit le crazy during this COVID 19 pande ic, so to ease so e of that craziness, Orthosports is having a sale on laser packages. For a limited time, we are of ering 25% off the usual price of our packages. This is a great opportunity to take advant ge of the benefits of what laser therapy of ers. W ’ve all gone a ittle crazy during this COVID 19 pandemic, s to a e some of hat craziness, Orth sports is having sale on laser p ckages. For a limited time, we are offering 25% off the usual price of our p ckages. Thi is a great pportuni y o take dv ntage of the benefits of wh t laser therapy offers. We’ve all gone a little crazy during this COVID 19 pandemic, so to ease some f that crazines , Orthosports is having a sale on laser packages. For a limited time, we are off ring 25% off the usual price of our packages. This is a great op ortunity to take dvantage of the benefits of what laser therapy offer . I ! 25% OFF OUR LASER PACKAGES! See Inside for Details! 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees 3 sy teps o eal hy ne s 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Kn es Ea St T He lt Kn The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with running or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain. Here are easy ways for you to take care of your knees, avoiding arthritis and other joint problems: Here are easy ways for you to take care of your knees, avoiding arthritis and other joint proble s: He e are easy ways f r you to take care of your knees, avoiding ar hritis and other joint problems: 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and adductor muscles each day. By keeping these muscles flexible, the forces on your knee joints can be b lanced, allowing your joint to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kneecap) to track properly. 2. Keep the muscles around your hips and knees strong. Especially the gluteals and quadriceps muscles. Studies show that those adults, especially over 55 who h ve stronger gluteals and quadriceps, tend to have less back pain a d more a ility to do daily activities. 2. Keep the muscles around your hips and knees strong. Especial y the gluteals and quadriceps muscles. Studies show that those adults, especially over 55 who have stronger gluteals and quadriceps, tend to have less back pain and m re ability to do dai y activities. 2. Keep the mu cles around your hips and knees strong. Especially the glute ls and quadriceps muscles. Studies sh w hat those adult , s ecially over 55 w o have stronger glute ls and quadriceps, tend to have l s back pain and more bility t do d ily act vities. 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and a uctor muscles each day. B ke ping these muscles flexible, the forces on y ur kne joints can be bal nced, allowing your j int to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kne cap) to track properly. 2. Ke p the muscles around your hips and kne s trong. Especially the glutea s and quadriceps mu cles. Studi s show tha those adults, especially ov r 5 who have stronger glutea s and quadriceps, tend to have les back pain and more abil ty to do daily ac ivities. The kne joint is one of the most co plicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with run ing or jumping. This incredible joint has to ove over a mil ion times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weigh with ru ning or jumping. This incredible joint has t move over a million tim s each ye r and over 80 million times over a l fetime. This is also th reason why things can go wrong, caus ng injury and pain. The kne joint s one of the most complicated joints i the body and has to bear up to 6 imes your body weight with run i g or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetim . This is also the reason why things can go wr ng, causing injury and pain. Her are asy wa s for you to take care of your kne s, avoid ng arthrit s and other joint problems: 1. Stretch your ha strings, quadriceps, and adductor uscles each day. By ke ping these muscles flexible, the forces on your kne joints can be balanced, al owing your joint to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kne cap) to track properly. 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, and adductor mu cl s each day. By keeping these muscl s flexible, the forces on your knee joints can e balanced, allowing your joint to bend, rotate, and for your patella (kneecap) to track roperly. 3. Exercise regularly. While this is good for the whole body, the knees especially need exercise to keep their cartilage healthy. The cartilage does not have much blood supply and req i es its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the cartilage only through movement and compression of the knee. Therefore, it is important to do weight bearing exercises such as walking, running, and other sports. However, if you have arthritis, it is advised to do less impact activities such as biking, elliptical machines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy checkup ensures that your joints are working at their peak performance. In addition, any problems will be discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you do have arthritis or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy check up is especially important. If your attention is on that sore knee, then it is time you called us for a free knee joint analysis. Talk to one of our expert physical therapists today and see how life can be with freely moving knees. 3. Exercise regularly. While this is go d for the whole body, the knees especial y need exercise to ke p their cartilage healthy. The cartilage does not have much blood sup ly and requires its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the cartilage only through movement and compression of the knee. Therefore, it is important to do weight bearing exercises such as walking, running, and other sports. However, if you have arthritis, it is advised to do less impact activities such as biking, el iptical machines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy checkup ensures that your joints are working at their peak performance. In addition, any proble s wil be discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you do have arthritis or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy check up is especial y important. If your at ention is on that sore kne , then it is time you called us for a fre kne joint analysis. Talk to one of our expert physical therapists today and se how life can be with fre ly moving knees. 3. Exercis regu arly. While this is good for the whole body, th kn specially need exercise to keep their c rtilage healthy. The c rtilage does not have much blood supply and requir it nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the c rtilage only through mov me t and compression of the knee. The efore, it is impor ant t do weight bearing exercises such as walking, ru ning, and other sports. However, if you h ve ar hri s, it is advised t do less imp act vities such as biking, elliptical machines, quatic exercis s, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy heckup ensures hat your joints are working at their peak performance. In additio , any problems will be discover d early, preve ting the onset of ar hritis and jo nt injury. If you do have ar hritis or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy heck up is specially impor ant. If your a e tion is on hat sore knee, then it s time you called us for a free knee joi t analysis. Talk to ne f our xpert physical therapists tod y and see how life can be with freely moving knees. 3. Exercise regularly. While t s i go d for the w ole b dy, the kne s especially ne d exercise to ke p their cartilage healt y. The cartilage do s not have much blo d sup ly and requi s its nutr on fr m j int fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorb into the cartilage only through movement and compres ion of the kn . Ther fore, it is important o do weight bearing ex rcises such as walking, run i g, and other spo t . However, if you have arthrit s, it s advised to do les impact activit es uch as biking, elliptical m chines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular Physical Therapy checkup ensure that your j ints are working at heir peak erformance. I ad it on, any problems will be discover d arly, preventing the ons t of arthrit s and joint injury. If ou d have arthrit s or have had surgery, then a regular Physical Therapy check up is especially important. If your attention is on that sore kne , th n it s t me you called us for a fre kne joint analysi . Talk to ne of our expert physical therapists today and se how life can be with fre ly moving kne s. 25% A R A S OF OUR LASE PACKAGE ! SPE IAL OFFER! SPECIA O

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