

Festive Ride patrols watch for bad drivers

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Prescott-Russell | Drinking drivers may not feel so merry when they see flashing blue, red and white lights in their rearview mirrors. The OPP Festive Ride program is in force again all through the Yuletide sea- son. The 2012-2013 Festive Ride campaign hit the road in mid-November this year throughout Eastern Ontario and will contin- ue through December and into early Janu- ary to catch the post-New Year’s Eve traffic. The main focus of the annual police coun- terattack program is to catch impaired driv- ers but OPP and their counterparts in the Ottawa Metro police department and the RCMP will also accept seatbelt violations, speeders, tailgaters, anyone driving a ve- hicle which is not roadworthy, along with any other infraction of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act or the federal Criminal Code, nar- cotics control regulations, or other legisla- tion. Meanwhile two area drivers had their ve- hicles impounded for a week when police caught them behind the wheel while their driver’s licences were suspended. One driver was a 43-year-old Rockland man who was stopped on Laurier Street in Rockland on Nov. 23 because he was seen

driving while also talking on a cell phone. He now is charged under Ontario’s Distract- ed Driver regulation and also for driving with a suspended licence. The following day another OPP patrol pulled over a vehicle for speeding. The 20-year-old Fournier man driving was charged for that and for driving while under suspension. OPP remind motorists that the penalty for driving while suspended may be a fine ranging from $1000 to $5000 and the judge may also choose to add a jail sentence of up to six months. Conviction for driving while suspended includes an automatic six months further suspension of a driver’s licence. Russell County OPP charged a 69-year- old Limoges man with impaired driving after fielding a complaint Nov. 23 about a suspected drunk driver. Later that day in near Casselman a highway patrol ticketed a 30-year-old Montréal man for speeding on Highway 417 and for having an open con- tainer of liquor in his vehicle at the time.



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Christiane Richer, conseillère en développement des affaires SCD, avec Desjardins depuis 24 ans.

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