NextStepPT_ What's Causing Your Shoulder Pain

Physical Therapy & How It Can Relieve Shoulder Pain!

• Torn cartilage. When a cartilage tears, you may experience a number of painful symptoms. You may experience decreased strength and a limited range of motion in the affected shoulder. You may also experience pain when moving your arm in certain ways. If you are suffering from a torn cartilage, physical therapy can provide relief. • Dislocation. Dislocation of the shoulder occurs when the head of the humerus pops out of place. This type of injury is extremely painful and unfortunately makes you more vulnerable to recurrence after the first dislocation occurs. • Arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in the shoulder joint experiences significant “wear and tear,” typically due to age or excessive overuse. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system sees the joints as a threat. The immune system attacks the membranes surrounding the shoulder joint, resulting in pain and inflammation. • Tendinitis. Tendinitis in the shoulder joint occurs when the joint is excessively overused. Symptoms include swelling and painful impingement when raising the affected arm. This typically happens due to the demands of a sport or labor-intensive job, which can cause the tendons to experience ongoing inflammation.

• Frozen shoulder. Medically referred to as “adhesive capsulitis,” frozen shoulder can occur if you have been bedridden for an extended period of time or if your arm has been in a cast or sling for a while. When you don’t have opportunities to exercise the shoulder, the tissues can stiffen up on you, thus causing this painful condition to occur. Find Effective Shoulder Pain Relief Today: Two of the biggest goals of physical therapy are 1) to alleviate your pain and 2) to improve your function. Your physical therapist will work with you to make sure that both of these are achieved throughout your physical therapy sessions. Your physical therapist will design a treatment plan specifically for you, which will include targeted stretches and exercises. It may also include any additional methods or modalities that your physical therapist deems fit, including ice and heat therapies, manual therapy, ultrasound, aquatic therapy, or electrical nerve stimulation. There are a wide range of conditions that can be treated with the help of physical therapy. If you are living with shoulder pain, don’t let it limit your life any longer! Find natural, safe, and effective treatment with Next Step Physical Therapy today! Call us at (516) 681-8070 and get relief!

EnjoyThis HealthyTreat: Fruit Energy Balls

Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to strengthen your shoulders.

exercises copyright of

Helps to Strengthens Shoulders

w w w . s i m p l e s e t . n e t

LAT PULL DOWNS | TO CHIN Sit with good posture. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width, with your palms facing forward. Pull the bar down just below your chin. Relax back to start position, straightening arms.

INGREDIENTS : • 1 cup chopped almonds • 1 cup dried figs

• 1 cup dried apricots • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

INSTRUCTIONS: Combine almonds, figs and apricots in a food processor; pulse until finely chopped. Roll the mixture into small balls and dredge in coconut. To make ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze up to 3 months.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.


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