Annual report 2022-23

Operations overview


A wonderful example of connection has been the new Housing Choices ‘Wauwi Inparrila’ community space in the Adelaide CBD launched in June, following a community-led, co-design process with Housing Choices residents but embraced by the entire neighbourhood surrounding Light Square in Adelaide’s CBD. There have been so many other occasions and programs throughout the year, from community winter feasts and food donation drives in Tasmania to amazing tenant art shows in WA and joyous post-COVID resident events and celebrations in Victoria. For our Housing Choices sta, the work we do connects us to positive social outcomes and being able to influence housing policy at a local, state and national level – all of which we hope constitutes a pathway to a better housing system. One program tackling homelessness at the grass roots level is our Djuripiny Mia Program in Western Australia, where Housing Choices has been funded to be at the forefront of solving homelessness in the state, providing 100 homes for people experiencing chronic rough sleeping. In South Australia, Catherine House continues to be stalwart in eorts to provide respite for women and children escaping family and domestic violence, with dedicated sta running a fundraising program that continues to inspire the community to give generously. The pursuit of many of our initiatives can be attributed to our former Chief Operating Ocer, Roberta Buchanan, a passionate advocate for resident-centred services at Housing Choices for the past nine years. We are grateful to Roberta for her significant contribution and look forward to advancing and elevating our resident voice to new heights in the year ahead.

The Greek philosopher Socrates said that nature has given us two ears, two eyes, but one tongue—so that we should hear and see more than we speak, and this year at Housing Choices we have been focused on a more structured approach to listening and responding to what our residents are saying they want from our services. After operating in a COVID environment for the past three years, we are now in a position to turn our attention back to embedding resident voices in our service design and delivery, including the development of a feedback framework, a review of our Complaints Management System and processes and an integrated national approach to resident surveys.

“Looking back over the many inspiring resident stories and projects of the past year, the theme of ‘pathways’ emerged for this Annual Report.”

Safe and secure housing is a pathway to so many positive outcomes: we have seen residents leaning into education and new employment; getting involved in activities that promote better physical and mental health and connecting in a whole range of ways with their community.


Housing Choices Australia Group

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