Introducing Limus A4 Brochure_FINAL 2019


Nitrogen losses

Nitrogen losses


Only 50% of applied nitrogen is taken up by crops. Nitrogen losses can occur in the form of ammonia, nitrate leaching and the release of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. While nitrogen losses generally result in an economic cost on farm, they also have a negative impact on the environment.

Ammonia volatilisation


Ammonia losses Significant ammonia losses can occur after the application of urea-based fertilisers. Ammonia is an air pollutant. A key component of smog, it binds with other pollutants and particles in the atmosphere, leading to negative impacts on human health. It is carried long distances by wind and brought down with rainfall, acting as a nitrogen fertiliser far from where it was intended and damaging sensitive natural habitats. Nitrate leaching Nitrate is highly mobile in the soil. After heavy rainfall or low plant uptake, nitrate can leach out of the soil profile and accumulate in groundwater, which can be toxic if threshold limits are exceeded. Nitrate in surface water bodies stimulates water plant and algae growth. As algae and/or water plants decay, the resulting oxygen depletion may, under extreme conditions, lead to mortality in fish populations.


Urease inhibitors



Introducing Limus ®

Limus ® benefits


Ammonia and legislation


Increase in nitrate

New to the UK market, Limus ® is a unique and highly effective urease inhibitor from BASF. Limus ® protects urea-based fertilisers, minimising nitrogen losses from volatilisation and ensuring optimal nitrogen is available for your crop.

Nitrous oxide losses Nitrous oxide occurs during nitrification

Climate change

(conversion of ammonium into nitrite and nitrate through soil bacteria). Next to carbon dioxide and methane, nitrous oxide is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases. Its global warming potential is 298 times that of carbon dioxide. Even small nitrous oxide losses may represent a cost factor to growers as well as a negative environmental impact.

• Reduces ammonia emissions by up to 98% • Increases application timing flexibility

• Improves yield by 5% compared to unprotected urea/UAN • Raises performance to the level of ammonium nitrate • Outperforms all other urease inhibitors



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