The Lakes South Morang College Newsletter PRINCIPAL REPORT
the front office, this is also the process for picking up for early departure. Any student who remains at school after 3.30pm and not picked up will be taken to the front office.
It was my honour last week to announce our Student Leaders for 2023 to our school community at our first assembly. With over 60 students nominating at the end of 2022 for leadership positions and staff working through the process of narrowing it down, we have finally reached a decision of who our student leaders will be in 2023. A massive thank you to all students who nominated and presented to staff. We are proud of the high calibre of applicants which made the panels job extremely hard. Our staff look forward to working with these students across the year.
Please be reminded that students need to be wearing their school hat during all recess and lunch breaks in Terms 1 and 4. It has been great seeing students in correct school uniform to start 2023. Please be reminded that students need to have all black shoes as part of our uniform policy. Any issues, please speak to your child ’ s teacher or come in and speak with me at school.
Congratulations to the following students:
2023 School Captains – Neha P, Kiara T, Ashwin B, Harry S
2023 House Captains –
Speed zones, pedestrian crossings and parking restrictions around school are there to improve the movement of traffic during peak times and maximise safety for children and road users. It is vital that as adults, we lead by example and set good road safety practices travelling to and from school. As such we are asking all parents and carers to observe and obey parking signs. Our kiss and drop zone before school is not for parents to get out of their car and walk their child into school but is used for a quick drop off in the morning. Thank you for your cooperation to keep everyone safe during this busy time. Whittlesea City Council have asked us to remind our school community that it is an offence to:
Jackson – Yvonne Y, Alexia P Evans – Milly D, Olivia V
Rafter – Noah M - T, Ethan Z
Beachley – Tijana M, Milly R
2023 Peer Mediators – Tessa B, Imogen J, Hiya D, Jahmin S, Saanvi C, Tri Thanh L, Miriam M, Maddison B, Taylah G
We have had a slight change to our assembly format in 2023. We will now be having whole campus Prep - 6 assembles every fortnight in our gym. This allows us to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our students as a whole campus. Parents are most welcome to attend. The following dates for Term 1 assemblies are as followed:
double park by stopping next to a legally parked vehicle, even for a short time or to drop off/pick up passengers stop or park across a driveway, footpath or dividing strip stop or park within 10 metres of an intersection or corner that doesn ’ t have traffic lights
Week 3 – Friday 10 th February @ 2.30pm Week 5 – Friday 24 th February @ 2.30pm Week 7 – Friday 10 th March @ 2.30pm Week 9 – Friday 24 th March @ 2.30pm Week 11 – Thursday 6 th April @12 noon (Learner of Term Awards)
stop or park across or in a bus zone
Council Local Laws Officers will be active around our school area to issue warnings. Any concerns regarding this, please speak to the council.
HAVE INPUT INTO OUR SCHOOL … SCHOOL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS OPEN SOON We know that one of our school ’ s key strengths is our strong parent input and involvement. Our School Council is one the main forums in which parents and staff work together for the benefit of all our students. At the beginning of each school year, we have a number of vacancies for School Council. There are 4 x Parent member positions to fill this year for a period of two years. If you are interested in nominating, please speak to our Business Manager, Dale or a member of our Leadership team. Keep your eyes open for information to be sent home to families via the newsletter.
Looking forward to a rewarding 2023. Thank you for all your support.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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