King's Business - 1950-06

still choosing his own will in place of God’s, and so the story continues. It is a picture o f failure and ever-gath­ ering darkness and despair. But there is one ray o f light, for in the center o f time, God did something. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world to bring forgiveness and pardon and new hope to the sons of men (John 3 :17 ). Yes, all the dam­ age that has been wrought because o f sin can be forgiven, for man may have a new start by the simple ap­ propriation o f Christ’s sacrifice into his heart. But do not think that all these events have taken God unawares, for we learn that the death o f His Son was purposed from before the crea­ tion o f the world (I Peter 1:19-20). And God’s Master Plan includes the design that men and women should be redeemed and fashioned after the pat­ tern of the God-Man through the power and wisdom of God. To put it into a nutshell, God’s plan and purpose for today is, by the preaching o f the gospel to all men, to call out a people fo r His name (Matt. 28 :19 ,20 ; Acts 15:14). The Church is to be composed o f men and women from all races. But all are alike in this one particular: they have been washed in the precious blood of Christ. Understand, then, that God’s pur­ pose is not the reclamation o f a doom­ ed world. It is not the cleaning up of vice conditions. It is not the further­ ance o f the' invention o f labor-saving devices. All these are commendable and bring their reward. Rather, God’s plan is the eternal ■salvation o f lost souls. This is the task which is the commission o f the Church, and this is the ministry into which God’s chil­ dren must fit (Acts 1 :8 ). Things will not always be disap­ pointing. Evil will not be on the throne forever. There will come a day when sin shall be no more, and this day is to be inaugurated by the per­ sonal appearance o f God’s own dear Son (Isa. 11:9 ). Do not look fo r Him, however, to come again as a helpless Babe born in a rugged manger. This time He comes as a conquering, re­ sistless King (Rev. 19:11-16). And every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow before Him (Phil. 2 : 10 ). His first coming will be to receive His Bride, which is composed o f be­ lievers o f all ages, unto Himself. Then with Christians in His retinue, He will return to be crowned King and to set up a world government of peace, righteousness and justice that shall never be thrown down. Christ comes as well to bring bless­ ing and honor to God’s ancient chosen J U N E , 1 95 0

Where is the center of God’s will for my life?

people, the Jews. These poor folk that have known twenty long centuries of the bitterest despair will at that time come into immeasurable blessing un­ der the benign reign o f the King of the Jews (Deut. 30:3-10). Satan, the archenemy o f God, is to be bound and cast into the abyss, to tempt the nations no more (Rev. 20 :2 ). And all these nations who are deemed worthy will be invited to share the blessings o f this age o f righteous­ ness (Zech. 14:16-19). This then is God’s plan. Nothing can deter it. Nothing can hinder it. It has been decreed by the Almighty Sovereign o f the universe. Part of this plan is to be carried out by re­ deemed men and women such as you and I. Every Christian Has a Part Now, it is true that God ha3 a master plan for the world. It is also true that God’s plan includes every child

o f His. But the problem will always, be . . . where do I, individually, fit into this plan ? What is God’s specific purpose for me? Where is the place o f the “ center o f His will” fo r my life? Does God want me to be a foreign missionary? Is it His will for me to enter the business world? To know the answer is to attain the path­ way which leads on to the highest goal in life. Let us be assured first that you do not need to implore or plead with God to guide you. He wants to. Over and over in Scripture He expresses not only His willingness but His earnest, desire to have you trust Him (Prov. 3:5, 6; 2 Tim. 1 :12 ; John 15 :4 ). It is therefore a wrong attitude to think that we must persuade God to lead us. On the other hand, there is a very definite problem resident in our own human affairs. We must want to be led. (Continued Next Month) Page Thirteen,

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