King's Business - 1950-06

the courts of Heaven. He loved to com­ mune with God whether it be in the cave or on the throne. He sought to make God known to his people and to his posterity by his wonderful statements and his unusual grasp of conditions. Jeremiah Was a Statesman Jer. 1:7 This great statesman felt the same inefficiency in himself as his predecessor, Moses. He felt that he was unable to express God’s words and God’s truths as they should be presented to the people. He hesitated about entering the service of the King because he realized his in­ ability. God came to his rescue. Again it was the One who made the mouth who equipped Jeremiah to use his mouth mightily and blessedly in His service. Jeremiah proclaimed without hesitation the truth of God and the condemnation that was awaiting profligate Israel. A true statesman presents the truth wisely. July 30, 1950 "I WILL BE THAT MAN" Dwight L. M oody Rom. 8:35-39; 1 Tim. 1:12-17 D. L. Moody had a purpose in life and a desire to be God’s channel of blessing to men. It is most essential in the Chris­ tian life to have a goal. Daniel had a purpose; so did Paul. These men accom­ plished things for God because they de­ sired only the glory of their Lord in their daily lives. Let each one of us ask the question as to whether we desire to be a channel through which the living water may flow unhindered into human hearts and lives. God grant it may be true of each one of us. Paul Said, “ I Am What I Am” 1 Cor. 15:10 Paul would not be an imitation Chris­ tian nor a make-believe with a veneer of faith. He took the place of being a serv­ ant of God and lived up to it. He gave his life for the salvation of others and never retraced his steps. He intended to be the finest servant of God possible for a human being. His purpose in life was to have the Lord revealed in him in such a way that he might preach Christ among the heathen. He had no perfunctory “ church membership” religion. He was filled with the knowledge of God and proclaimed God’s thoughts in regard to sin and sinners. Paul Had Ambition Rom. 15:20 Moody’s statement was in many re­ spects a reiteration of Paul’s expression. He would go into those fields where Christ was least known—or even un­ known, that there he might see the gos­ pel of God’s grace working in power in the hearts of those who sat in darkness. His desire was to see Christ honored and men brought into the light of life. He succeeded herein because he had this T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

devotion between husband and wife. When this situation exists these two be­ lieving Christians can go anywhere to­ gether and serve the Lord acceptably in any place. Where the minds are divided about the program to be pursued or when there is a difference of opinion to which each one sticks tenaciously, then the work of God suffers and the people of God are hindered. Mrs. Judson was the object of the sweet affection of her husband. They cared for each other’s welfare and blessing. They entered into each other’s problems. They loved each other and thus they succeeded. July 23, 1950 A STATEMENT FOR GOD W illiam E. Gladstone 2 Tim. 2:15; Ps. 1:1-6 The Scripture says that not many no­ ble are called. We should be glad for the letter “m” for the Scripture does not say, “not any” noble are called. Glad­ stone was a man of God who loved the Bible and loved the Lord Jesus. He had a splendid public testimony to his faith in the living Christ. He helped to mold the opinions of many toward God.^ He was not antagonistic to false religions, but he gave them no place and no en­ couragement. He was faithful as a noble statesman should be and lived for God in his personal life. Moses Was a Statesman Ex. 4:10 This great man of God was most hum­ ble and meek. God called him to be a statesman and to lead Israel into free­ dom. He felt his inability to speak. The Lord properly corrected his thoughts about this matter because He who made the mouth could certainly make it work. He did so in the case of Moses. This man of God had power with God and with men. His words were wisely chosen and given. His statements were not ambigu­ ous. Paul Was a Statesman Rom. 1:16 Paul knew what he believed and why he believed it. He was not ashamed to tell it to the world. He spoke boldly for Christ before friend and enemy. He maintained the cause of Christ before the governors and rulers. He feared noth­ ing. His statements were clear, definite, and to the point. He evaded nothing and avoided no one. He was God’s states­ man for the time in which he lived. He knew his subject thoroughly and present­ ed it definitely. He was for God and sought to be a blessing to his fellow men. His statements have influenced the world. David Was a Statesman Psa. 127:5 David’s utterances have become patterns for others. His noble grasp of God’s at­ tributes and his wonderful knowledge of men’s hearts have brought blessing to untold thousands. He was a statesman in

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