King's Business - 1950-06

Helps for the Children Jacob Learns More About God Gen. 27; 28:1-5, 10-22; 35:9-12 Memory Verse: (God said), “I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest” (Gen. 28:15). Jacob had sinned; he had stolen his . brother’s blessing. His angry brother had threatened to kill him, and Jacob had to leave his home hurriedly. Isaac, Jacob’s father, asked Jacob to go to the home of his grandfather and find a wife there. As Jacob left his home, his heart was heavy because of his sin and be­ cause of his having to part with his family. The journey was long and full of dangers. When night came, there were no hotels or inns for Jacob’s rest. He had to lie down just where he was. He made a pillow from some stones and lay down to sleep. He dreamed about a ladder set upon the earth. Its top reached to Heaven, and the angels of God were ascending (going up) and descending (coming down) on it. The Lord stood above the ladder and said, “ I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth . . . And, be­ hold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest . . . for I will not leave there.” When Jacob awakened, he said, “ Sure­ ly the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” Jacob was frightened by the closeness of God to him. Early in the morning Jacob arose and took the stone which had been his pillow and made a pillar from it. He poured oil upon the top of the pillar to show his reverence for this sacred place where he had seen the Lord and heard Him speak. He called the name of the place Bethel, which meant the house of God. Jacob then promised that if God would care for him and bring him safely back to his home, he would worship Him and give to Him a tenth of his income. Years later, when Jacob and his wives and his children were on their way back to Jacob’s home, they stopped at Bethel. God appeared to Jacob the second time and changed Jacob’s name to Israel. God promised to make a great people out of his family and to give to him and his family the land which He had given to Abraham and to Isaac. Jacob now knew that God was with him everywhere. God’s promise to him had been true, “ I am with thee and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest.”

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Do Not Miss the First of Dr. Bauman's Prophetic Articles in this issue— Page 7

H ard-working, consecrated Sunday School teachers-r- and the precious young souls they are laboring to win for Christ—deserve the best. Back of the Christ-centered ma­ terials for all ages offered by ASSU are 133 years of exper­ ience that have kept pace with the times. Our editors know their age groups.

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BIBLE QUIZ (Continued from, Page 23) 1. Noah 2. Abram

3. Jonah 4. Moses 5. Joseph

6. Cain 7. Ruth 8. David T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Page Twenty-six

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