King's Business - 1950-06

July 9, 1950 MOSES, WHO LED HIS PEOPLE TO GOD Ex. 19:16-25; 35:4, 5, 21 Pointers on the Lesson Moses was given his name, according to Exodus 2:10, because he was drawn out of the water. This refers, of course, to what Pharaoh’s daughter did in tak­ ing him from the bulrushes and adopt­ ing him as her son. The name “Moses” means drawn out. Apart from his name in connection with his infancy, surely it is significant that Moses was the one used of God to draw out the children of Israel from their Egyptian bondage. He became their marvelous leader throughout all their wilderness experiences and brought them to the very borders of the Promised Land. In many respects he is a type of Christ who is man’s supreme deliverer (2 Cor. 1:10). Because of these things, Moses is a subject worthy of the most care­ ful study. Moses Leads Israel to Mt. Sinai Ex. 19:16-20 It was time for the giving of the law. Note the supernatural prepara­ tions for the occasion. The most sol­ emn manifestations were allowed in or­ der to put awe into the hearts of Is­ rael in view of that which was to take place in the giving of the law. Thun­ ders, lightnings, thick cloud, smoke, earthquake, etc. are- often seen in Scripture to be the accompaniments of the revelation of deity (e.g. Isa. 6; Ezek. 1:4-14; Acts 9:3ff.; Rev. 1:10). What demonstrations could more effec­ tively strike awe in human hearts! And surely there needs to be something of awe in men’s hearts as they stand in the presence of deity. This is no time to be frivolous or presumptuous. Moses Cautions the People Ex. 19:21-25 Moses led Israel to the base of Mt. Sinai but he was instructed by Je­ hovah not to permit the people or the priests to proceed beyond the definite bounds which were set (v. 23). Sinful men cannot stand in the immediate presence of God and live. Hence, only Moses and Aaron were allowed to come unto the summit of the mount. The Levitical system, which was to be the method by which man could approach to God in that dispensation, had not yet been given. These provisions should instruct all men that there is no such thing as di­ rect access to God apart from the way that He Himself has provided. And that way is a blood-sprinkled way. All the ways of man’s own devising only bring him to a mountain of mist and smoke through which God’s face cannot be seen. If man would truly see God, he must see Him through the way of the Cross. Moses Instructs the People About Among the revelations which Moses received from God upon the mount was J U N E , 1 9 5 0 the Tabernacle Ex. 35:4, 5, 21

the revelation with respect to the plan of the tabernacle. This was to be the place where God would “dwell” among His people {25:8). It was to be made in exact accordance with the plan shown upon the mount (25:9). Now in the verses before us, we have Moses making known to the people their re­ sponsibility in this matter. They were to provide the material for the taber­ nacle in accordance with their ability. In the story connected with these verses there is a splendid illustration of how God’s work in every age is to be financed. First, it is to be supported by His people (v. 4), “ all the congre­ gation” ; second, by offerings unto the Lord (v. 5)—such giving is a part of worship; third, by those who have will­ ing hearts' (v. 5 ); and fourth, God’s work is to be supported by His children in accordance with their several abil­ ities (v. 5). When this plan is followed, as it was in this instance (v. 21), the Lord’s work suffers no embarrassment (36:5-7). Memory Verse: “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised” (1 Chron. 16:25). God desired that His children should have a place of worship during their journeys in the wilderness. To Moses their leader God gave plans for the tab­ ernacle and its furnishings. Moses asked the people to bring willingly their offerings of money, gold, cloth, skins, perfumes, and precious stones for their place of Worship. To some of the peo­ ple God gave special wisdom to work with gold and silver and stones, etc., and enabled them to teach others to make skillfully the furniture and the articles of worship for the tabernacle. After the people had freely and lov­ ingly brought their gifts, men and wo­ men worked many days to make the tabernacle and its furnishings accord­ ing to God’s directions. When Moses finished placing the furnishings in the tabernacle as God commanded him, a cloud covered the great tent and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. How thrilled God’s people must have been when they realized that His won­ derful presence was so close to them in the house which they had made for their worship! If there were those who had brought less than their best as their gift to God, how sinful and guilty they must have felt that their gift had been unworthy of His blessing and His pres­ ence. As you worship in God’s house each week, can you feel that you have had a part in making His house sacred and beautiful? Perhaps you have brought your money to aid in paying for your building or your song books or some of your Sunday school supplies. Per­ haps you have brought flowers for the service or helped to clean the rooms. Each gift of love pleases your Lord and enables you to worship Him more per­ fectly. . Helps for'the Children Moses Helps the People to Worship Ex. 35:4-10, 21-35; 40:17-38

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