King's Business - 1950-06

whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the Lord; gold, and silver, and brass” (Ex. 35:5). We will open the handbag to see what God wants us to give. First, we see the word “ GOLD.” One tenth of our money belongs to God. Next, there is “ TIME.” We need constantly to be re­ minded that at least one-seventh of our time belongs to God. As I open the hand­ bag further, I read the word “ LOVE.” In Romans 13:8 we were told to “ Owe no man anything, but to love one an­ other.” The last word is “ TALENTS.” God expects us to give in service the talents He has given us. Real giving is more than making a gift of money; it includes giving to the Lord our time, love and talents. The Lord will bless those who give willingly to Him today. After th'- people had given in Moses’ day, we read, “ Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Ex. 40:34).

Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me” (Ruth 1:16,17). Together Naomi and Ruth moved to­ ward the land of “ REWARD.” We will move the shoes further away from the land of “ RUIN” and closer to the land of “ REWARD.” Ruth was greatly re­ warded for the decision she made. She gleaned in the field of Boaz and event­ ually married him. God rewards those today who accept Christ and turn their feet away from the land of “ RUIN.” Object: A toy balloon. (Trace the outline of a triangle on the balloon with ink. Inside the triangle print a small “ S.” ) Lesson: How many of you think you could have a good time playing with this toy balloon? Yes, I see that most of you are interested, but it is not a balloon with which to play, but rather one which will teach us some important lessons. There is a triangle on the balloon, and on the inside of the triangle there is a small “ S.” We will let the triangle remind us of God—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The “ S” will stand for Samuel, the little boy who was brought by his mother Hannah to the temple, in order that he might serve God all the days of his life. The triangle surrounds the “ S.” The life of Samuel was surrounded by the Lord from its beginning. His birth was in answer to his mother’s prayer. She promised that she would give him to the Lord for service, so when he was old enough to leave home, she took him to the temple. In 1 Sam. 2:18 we read, “ But Samuel ministered before the Lord, being a child.” One night later he heard God’s voice, and being instructed by Eli, he said, “ Speak; for thy servant heareth.” (1 Sam. 3:10). In verse 19 we are told, “ And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him.” I will blow up this balloon and allow it to teach us an important lesson. The July 23, 1950 B lowing U p a B alloon


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July 16. 1950 R uin or R eward

Objects: Three pairs o f women’ s shoes, a small cardboard signpost read­ ing, “ REWARD ,” and one reading, “RUIN.” (Put the shoes in a circle on the table. At opposite ends of the table place the signposts.)


V R EW A R D 1


Lesson: Shoes tell us much about people. We know from these shoes that they belong to three ladies. They are standing still and neither moving toward “ REWARD” or “ RUIN.” They are closer to “ RUIN” than to “ REWARD.” As I look at these shoes I am re­ minded of 3 women in the Bible. Their names are Naomi, Ruth and Orpah. They lived in the land of Moab, near “ RUIN.” There came a time when Naomi, who had lived in Israel’s land, heard that again there was food at home, and she decided to return to her native land. We will take a pair of shoes out of the circle, and face them toward the signpost marked “ RE­ WARD.” When she turned toward the land of Israel, she had a drawing power, for both Ruth and Orpah started with her. They had not gone far until Naomi advised each to return to the home of her own mother. Orpah took the advice and returned. We will turn the shoes representing her toward the land of “ RUIN.” Ruth was much wiser than her sister- in-law. Let us listen to her reply, “And J U N E , 1 9 5 0

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