King's Business - 1950-06



People in all walks of life are asking the question— Is there an answer? Beginning with this issue THE KING’S BUSINESS is publishing a series of messages by Dr. Louis S. Bauman on prophetic themes of interest to all concerned with the problems of today and the future. The subjects will include:

"Does the Hydrogen Bomb Mean the End?" "The Death Rattle of Our Age." "The Russian Bear Prowls Forth to His Doom." "Israel Lives Again." "The Harlot Mounts the Beast." "The Nations Maneuvering for Armageddon." "The Impending World-State."

Dr. Louis S. Bauman, formerly pastor of the First Brethren Church of Long Beach, California, now pastor of the First Brethren Church of Wash­ ington, D. C. is one of the foremost authorities on the prophetic Scriptures of today, and an author of many books unveiling the future as well as a well-known Bible conference speaker. SPECIAL: 7-MONTHS' PROPHETIC SERIES $1.00 SET 5 subscriptions of 7 months each, $5.00 Why not send these sets to five friends— they will appreciate your thoughtfulness. THE KING’S BUSINESS is one o f America’s outstanding Christian family magazines and is published by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Dr. Louis T, Talbot, President. Each number contains stirring editorials, comments on the news, articles from the pens of leading Christian writers, Sunday school lessons, object lessons, and young people’s topics. Truly a wonderful gift for any Christian family. THE KING S BUSINESS 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANG ELES 17, CA L IF .

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