Balance is a big deal in our everyday world, but we take it for granted. Just think how long it took you to master walking, running, and jumping as a child. Your balance system is incredibly complex, and allows you to walk around over steps and obstacles without thinking. However, when balance is affected, it can be difficult to perform daily tasks and activities you enjoy.
Balance is a big deal in our everyday world, but we take it for granted. Just think how long it took you to master walking, running, and jumping as a child. Your balance system is incredibly complex, and allows you to walk around over steps and obstacles without thinking. However, when balance is affected, it can be difficult to perform daily tasks and activities you enjoy. (continued inside)
INSIDE: • Find Balance By Relieving Your Dizziness & Vertigo • 5 Health Benefits of Spring Cleaning! • Healthy Recipe: Mediterranean Chickpea Salad
• Find Balance By Relieving Your DIZZINESS & VERTIGO • 5 Health Benefits of SPRING CLEANING! • PATIENT SUCCESS STORY • HEALTHY RECIPE: Mediterranean Chickpea Salad INSIDE: FREE DISCOVERY WORKSHOP/ SEMINAR! Shoulder Pain & Rotator Cuff APRIL 11 TH , 2020•10–11 AM RSVP by Calling (479) 855-9348. Seating Limited to 1st 15 Clients! QUOTE OF THE MONTH: “I’ve kind of fashioned my life after a Slinky. Bend me in a million shapes, and eventually I’ll spring back to what I originally was.” – Sylvester Stallone
Find Balance by Relieving Your Dizziness & Vertigo (continued from outside)
Why Is My Balance Compromised By Dizziness and/or Vertigo? Justa fewof themany factors thatcan lead todizziness include lack of sleep, poor nutrition, overexertion, or a physical ailment, such as a head cold or the flu. Dizziness can also occur from something as simple as standing up too quickly after an extended period of rest. Some accompanying symptoms to dizziness may include: • Loss of balance • Lightheadedness or heavy-headedness • Momentarily impaired vision (i.e. tunnel vision) • Feeling woozy or faint The causes of vertigo aren’t nearly as vast. In fact, vertigo is most commonly caused by an imbalance in the inner ear, also known as the “vestibular system.” Yourvestibularsystemhelpsyoumaintainyourbalance and center of gravity by sending messages to your brain regarding your movement. Whenthis is impaired,thenecessarymessagesbecome blocked fromyourbrain,andyourmovementbecomes affected.Youmay feelas iftheworld isspinningaround you, you can’t focus your vision for prolonged periods of time, or you can’t stand/move properly without feeling like you’ll topple over.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,“Thirtymillionolderadults falleachyear— resulting in about 30,000 deaths. Each year, 3 million older adults are treated for a fall injury. One out of every five falls causes a serious injury, such as broken bones or a head injury.” Dizziness and vertigo are common reasons why someonemayexperience issueswithbalanceorsustain an unexpected fall. We’ve all had the sensation of being dizzy - as if you can’t focus, can’t see straight, can’tstanduprightwithoutswayingor falling.Youmay evenexperience“tunnelvision,”whereyourperipheral vision goes dark for a few seconds. Dizziness is common and can have many causes. Vertigo, however, is a little different. While dizziness is typicallysynonymouswith“lightheadedness,”which createsthe illusionofbeingunsteady,vertigo istypically a response to a physiological factor that is causing a quite literal imbalance inyourbody.Thoseexperiencing vertigo have reported feeling as if they are “rocking” or “spinning,” even when they are sitting still. Physical therapy fordizzinessandvertigo isacommon and effective course of treatment. For inquiries regarding vertigo testing, don’t hesitate to contact FYZICAL Arkansas. If you’ve been feeling dizzy, or you think you may have some of the symptoms of vertigo, call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced physical therapists.
(continued inside)
Find Your Balance: Call Us at (479)855-9348 , Today!
Find Balance By Relieving Your Dizziness & Vertigo
(continued from outside)
Some accompanying symptoms to vertigo may also include: • Inability to focus or remain alert. • Double vision.
and improving vertigo. Videonystagmography is a highly specialized diagnostic tool for testing inner ear functions. This test determines whether your dizziness or vertigo is being caused by a vestibular disease, and it is the only test available that can decipher whether there is a vestibular loss in one or both ears. It is a non-invasive test that uses infrared goggles to record a patient’s eye movements, thus determining how well the patient is able to react to visual stimuli responses that are being sent from the vestibular system. Physicaltherapy isvery importanttostrengthening joints and learning the right exercises to relieve dizziness and vertigo, in order to improve balance. A professional can help you develop a program that plays into your strengths while increasing your ability to balance and reduce boutsofunsteadiness.ContactFYZICALArkansas today to get started! Sources: dizziness/symptoms-causes/syc-20371787 aspx?cid=8faba487-14c0-482e-9280-c655e1776ebe cdc+balance +statistics&aqs=chrome..69i57.3980j0j7 &sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Some common causes of vertigo include: • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). This is the most common cause of vertigo. Itoccurswhen the tinycalciumcrystals located in your ears break apart and move around to different parts of the ear that they are not supposed to be in. This can cause suddenspinningsensations (vertigo)and inner- ear discomfort. • Meniere’s Disease. This occurs when fluid builds up in your ear(s). This typically includes “ringing” sounds in the inner-ear and sudden waves of vertigo that may last for hours. You may also experience momentary hearing losses. • Vestibular Neuritis. This is an inner-ear infection that can cause vertigo. • Migraines. Migraines can impact your vestibular system, thus causing episodes of vertigowhichmaybecoupledwithsensitivities to lightorsound.Visionmayalsobe impaired. • Stroke. A stroke affects movement in your whole body. If you recently suffered a stroke, you may experience waves of vertigo which may linger for extended periods of time.
• Nausea or vomiting. • Arm or leg weakness. • Difficulty seeing or speaking. • Sweating. • Abnormal eye movements.
How Will Physical Therapy Help? Dizziness and vertigo can both hinder your balance, limiting your ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. Luckily, no matter what the cause may be, physical therapy for dizziness and vertigo can help. FYZICAL Arkansas has some of the most advanced techniques for diagnosing and treating both dizziness and vertigo, including vestibular rehabilitation and videonystagmography. Vestibular rehabilitation includes treatments such as the Epley maneuver, which allows for canalith repositioning to move the broken calcium crystals in patients experiencing BPPV, as well as Cawthorne head exercises, which focus on decreasing nerve sensitivity
In a large bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, and several grinds of pepper. In a skillet over medium-low heat, toast the cumin seeds until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Remove seeds from heat and crush (a mortar & pestle is easiest). Add seeds to the bowl and stir. Add the chickpeas, tomatoes, dates, cucumbers, red pepper, and parsley to the bowl and toss. Transfer to a serving platter and dollop with goat cheese, sprinkle with mint, and top with extra roasted chickpeas, if desired. Season to taste and serve. HEALTHY RECIPE Mediterranean Chickpea Salad DIRECTIONS
• 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 1 Tbsp lemon zest • 2 Tbsp lemon juice • 3/4 tsp sea salt • Freshly ground black pepper • 1 ½ tsp cumin seeds • 2 cups cooked chickpeas, drained & rinsed • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved • 4 Medjool dates, pitted and
diced • 3 Persian cucumbers, sliced into thin half moons • 1 cup chopped roasted red peppers • ¼ cup finely chopped parsley • 3 ounces honey goat cheese (or similar) • ¼ cup fresh mint • 1 cup chopped roasted chickpeas, (optional)
Call Us Today! (479)855-9348
Allergy Symptom Reduction. A thorough cleaning can greatly reduce the amount of dust in your home, which is helpful considering about 20 million Americans are allergic to dust mites according to theAsthmaandAllergyFoundation of America. A 2014 study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunity found that cleaning and decluttering your home can help you avoid allergy symptoms and make you feel more healthy. Cleanliness Produces Happiness. Maybe you don’t enjoy the process of cleaning, but the end result will leave you smiling. A 2010 study at the 5 Health Benefits of SPRING CLEANING!
University of California, Los Angeles found that having a clean home can improve your mood and reduce your risk of depression. Studies also show that doing housework for 20 minutes can reduce stress and anxiety by up to 20 percent. Better Heart Health. If you’re looking for an easy way to support your heart health, just 30 minutes per day of light exercise (including low- intensityphysicalactivities likehouseholdchores, vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing floors) can decreaseyour riskofheartdiseaseby24percent. Declutter and Do a Good Deed by Donating. An essential part of a successful spring cleaning is getting rid of old items that are no longer used or worn. Apply the rule of thumb that if you haven’tmadeuseofsomething inayear, it’s time for it to go. Fill bags and boxes of things, then donate them to a local charity so they can still be beneficial to someone else. Giving to others is anact that isassociatedwithgreaterself-esteem, lower stress levels, and overall happiness. Get a Better Night’s Sleep. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? The National Sleep
Foundation found in a recent poll that people who make their beds are 19 percent more likely to sleep well on a regular basis. Clean sheets with a fresh scent impacted 75 percent of those individuals polled. See what a difference spring cleaning can make by cleaning the clutter from your room and sleeping on some fresh sheets. Sources: Flu Season & COVID-19 Got YouWorried? Give Yourself an Immunity Boost! These three tips can help you stay healthy and strengthen your immune system: 1. Aim for 8-9 hours of sleep each night. 2. Make a habit of 20-30minutes of physical activity a day. 3. Maintain a nutritious diet heavy on fruits andvegetables.Theessentialvitaminsare key to making sure your immune system is as healthy as possible.
• Back Pain • Neck Pain • Shoulder Pain
• Foot Pain • Knee Pain • Post-surgery
“My sense of balance has improved quite a bit!”
TREATMENTS FEEL GOOD Laser therapy creates little to no sensation or it can create a gentle, warm sensation. TREATMENTS ARE FAST With LightForce lasers, treatments are quick— usually 5-12 minutes depending on the size, depth, and acuteness of the condition being treated.
“I think that my sense of balance has improved quite a bit! My husband has noticed the difference and is very pleased with my progress! I am now considering strength therapy! I have enjoyed working with all of the team members in this facility! It is a very warm and encouraging atmosphere!” – P. B.
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