Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

E V E N T P A R T I C I P A T I ON , E V A L U A T I ON , OU T COM E S , & N E X T S T E P S

In this section, we’ll discuss conference participation, how we evaluated the event, outcomes (including resources produced), and our next steps.


Registration for the event was robust:

Day 1: 181

Day 2: 178

Day 3: 168

As is common with online events, participation varied from the registration and ended up being about half of registrants.


We collected data for all three days in two ways: through Mentimeter and polls.

We used Mentimeter for a brief qualitative approach to participants’ expectations and administered polls through Zoom to encourage participation from all participants. We administered polls as pre- and post-tests at the beginning of days one and two and at the end of day three. We built in time for networking and sharing on days one and two. Participants were assigned to breakout rooms with a facilitator, much like a focus group, and information and field notes were collected and analyzed to assess areas for improvement, impacts, and satisfaction.

Results from a Mentimeter Poll taken during the conference.


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