Achteck - obecný katalog

Technical Information

Drill Breakage Analysis

1. Check the tip geometry 2. Check the flute lengths is at least longer than drilling depth +1.5XD

3. Recondition promptly 4. Add pilot hole drilling 5. Improve system rigidity (Work piece / tool)

Drilling Wear and Trouble Shooting

Burr on the hole exit

Bad surface finish

● Blunt cutting edge ● Drill tip outer corner chipped or worn

● Check edge wear ● Overcoated

Entry position out of tolerance

Oversized holes

● Check edge geometry ● Check tool's cutting edge & chisel edge

● Check edge geometry ● Overcoated ● Check tool's chisel edge

Check Coolant Supply

For solid carbide drills, internal coolant is always recommended. When the drill length is over 5xDc, internal coolant is essential. Ensure the coolant is with sufficient pressure and aiming to the correct position.

Bad coolant supply

Good coolant supply



Three coolant pipes should be directly towards the drill tip when it's possible.


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