
Comfort Animals | Developmental

Gross motor skills and the progression of their development enables a person to be in control of their larger muscles. Much focus is placed on torso strength and control as it is the “centre of conrtol” for the rest of the body. Fine motor skills enable precise motions, like picking up small objects, twisting knobs. Gross motor is more physical activity, whereas fine motor incorporates mental and muscle to complete tasks.

Parachute - Giant 20ft Develop upper arms and shoulders with vigorous, fun exercises, games, and dances. A tough flame- retardant nylon fabric in alternating color panels. Center air-release hole covered with mesh fabric. Incl. nylon storage bag. • 610cm dia 8TNPC $185.00 Parachute - small 11ft Fire retardant polyester- this parachute is designed to withstand rough treatment, outdoor weather and machine washing.8 handles. Includes nylon storage bag. 11’ dia. • 335cm dia 8SMPC $95.00

Giant, Tickle Me Tunnel This giant tunnel is a huge sensory item with the option of attaching velcro streamers throughout the inside to “tickle you”.Crawl, walk, run, or wheel through. • W160 x H170 x L270cm 8GTMT $345.00

Rainbow Crawl Tunnel Inviting and rewarding challenge that hides and transforms the curious. • 200 x 50cm dia 8GTCT $89.00

Call Us At: 905-492-9211

Instagram: tfh_canada

Always Supervise your Sensory Room Users and Equipment


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