MSE | Interactive Light
Sound To Light Interactive Panel Each color represents a different pitch. The deepest bass sounds glow red, higher pitched sounds illuminate orange, yellow, green and finally blue and purple for the treble. The brightness of the lights varies with the volume of sound. The panel may be activated either by music or voice with microphone and sound sensitivity control included. 12v Power Supply included. • 60 x 60 x 10cm 9SLPL $2,860.00
Interactive Infinity Tunnel Reveal a reflection of infinite depth with sound responsive lights. Sound sensitive colours rotate at different speeds depending upon the sound volume. Sensitivity control and microphone are included. Use wall mounted or free standing. Amazing when mounted into wall pads! 12v Power Supply included. • 72 x 60 x 10cm 9NLIP $2,860.00
Giant Padded Bubble Table Mesmerizing and soothing water bubbles ripple along the table while LED colours silently transition through a pre programmed cycle. 18” dia opening, 36” square x 16” High base. • 80cm dia, 120cm square 9BTAB $3,920.00
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