Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Meeting the diverse needs of people professionals in HR, L&D and OD, students, self-employed consultants and SMEs through Special Interest Groups.  Come along to one of our next events in Manchester, learn from the best about the hot topics in HR, L&D and OD. Gain new perspectives, share your insights, network with like-minded people. Raise your profile by getting your name and work 'out there' (you never know who might be in the room!.  Our interactive and chronological events list enables you to plan ahead by scanning all events with one-click access to our bookings platform.  Event summaries provide you with an overview of all events, for when your pressed for time and want a quick read. Our one-pagers provide you with detailed event descriptions and speaker profiles. We'll be adding many more events to this flip book . Bookmark this resource for easy access from your mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop. CIPD Manchester Branch #cipdMCR

Branch Committee Guide

Supporting you towards excellence

Contents Message from the Community Lead ................................................................................................. 2 How to use this guidebook .................................................................................................................. 3 About us ............................................................................................................................................... 4 What can you expect from us? ........................................................................................................... 5 What can we expect from you? .......................................................................................................... 5 CIPD Values .......................................................................................................................................... 6 About the CIPD Branch Development Team ................................................................................... 7 Our work dimensions - vision for areas of work and what we do ................................................. 9 CIPD Branches .................................................................................................................................. 10 How does the committee work? ....................................................................................................... 11 Governance ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Conflict of interest ............................................................................................................................... 14 Code of professional conduct ........................................................................................................... 14 Constitutional and Accountability role profile ................................................................................. 15 Supporting you in your role .......................................................................................................... 16 Staying informed ................................................................................................................................. 17 The Branch Network – access our online community .................................................................. 18 Annual Meeting Guidance ................................................................................................................. 21 Financial management ...................................................................................................................... 22 Business Planning .............................................................................................................................. 23 Digital Resources ............................................................................................................................. 24 Digital Branch Annual Programme .............................................................................................. 25 CIPD Brand guidelines, logos and template ............................................................................. 26 Sending branch mailings with Marketing Cloud ...................................................................... 27 Eventbrite ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Zoom .................................................................................................................................................... 29 M365 ................................................................................................................................................. 30 Channelling our voice ..................................................................................................................... 31 Membership benefits resources - how to include these in your online events ......................... 33 Ask me anything series (include recordings of live sessions) .................................................. 34


Message from the Community Lead

Dear Branch committee member,

First, I would like to express my thanks to you and all our branch committee members that are volunteering for CIPD to support our vision of championing better work and working lives. I know that you are busy, and I am grateful for the time you have given up and invested in developing the people profession. In return, our commitment to you is that we will support and enable you and make your volunteering experience as enjoyable, easy and impactful as we can. It is therefore so important that we all understand how your role fits into the wider CIPD community and work. We want all our committee members, whether volunteering with us for a while or just new to this, to know what to do and who can help, right from the start. That’s why we’ve put together this pack. It includes everything you need to know about volunteering within the CIPD Branch network and the resources, tools and systems that enable you to do an amazing job as a branch. We hope it acts as a useful guide throughout your time with us. So, thank you for offering your time and commitment to CIPD.

We aim to update this branch resources pack regularly, so please make sure you check within the online branch network to see if a newer version has been launched.

Warm regards

Alexandra Carr Community Lead, Branches


User Guide

How to use this guidebook • Look out for the arrow symbol

which enable you to navigate through external links to access further resources. Please ensure you are logged into your branch network. • Video recordings open in YouTube link which you can watch at your own pace • Look out for our work dimensions across all areas • You don’t need to read it all – the following specific sections are carefully designed to help you navigate to what you are looking for: - About us - CIPD Branches - Supporting you in your role - Digital Resources - Channelling our voice


About us

We’re the CIPD – the professional body for HR and people development. We are the voice of a worldwide community of more than 150,000 members committed to championing better work and working lives. We’ve been setting the benchmark for excellence in people and organisation development for more than 100 years. Through our expertise and research, we provide a valuable point of view on the rapidly changing world of work. We’re independent and not-for-profit and hold a highly respected Royal Charter. We exist to make work and working lives better. And at a time of unprecedented change, we have the vision, agility and strength to make a real difference to our members, to businesses, to the economy and to all working people. We have been granted Royal Charter on 1 July 2000. The Charter is the governing document of the CIPD and, together with the Bye-laws, sets out the powers of the Institute. If you’d like to look at our governing documents, you can find them all on the website at:


What can you expect from us?

What can we expect from you?

Conduct and Behaviour

Conduct and Behaviour

1.1 Lead and role model CIPDs purpose, vision and values (ToR 3.2) 1.2 Act with integrity in a professional manner 1.3 Promote and operate the standards in the Code of Professional Conduct (ToR 8.1) 1.4 Work collaboratively with you to offer the best possible service to CIPD Members 1.5 Value, respect and ensure you are treated fairly 1.6 Support and promote diverse and inclusive committees, representative of the community and our society 1.7 Respect your time and appreciate that you have other commitments 1.8 Respect confidentiality 1.9 Apply due diligence and resolve fairly any problems, grievances or difficulties and provide an opportunity to discuss any unresolved issues Highlight and support the mutual benefits achieved as a result of volunteering as a branch Committee Member 1.10

1.1 Champion CIPDs purpose and vision (ToR 3.2) 1.2 Act with integrity in a professional manner 1.3 Promote and operate the standards in the Code of Professional Conduct (ToR 8.1) and seen to be an ambassador for CIPD (ToR 8.2) 1.4 Embrace CIPD’s Values 1.5 Work collaboratively with committee members and CIPD HQ teams to deliver the best possible service to CIPD members 1.6 Support. promote and embrace a diverse and inclusive committee 1.7 Promote succession planning to embrace new ideas and fresh thinking 1.8 Serve no longer than the agreed tenure for your role 1.9 Ensure that neither the Branch nor the CIPD is bought into disrepute 1.10 Not use the role to promote yourself and your service



2.1 Provide you with information relating to your role to include role profiles CIPD Constitution, Regulations and Branch Terms of Reference 2.2 Provide feedback and an explanation of (and support to achieve) standards, policy and process 2.3 Share CIPDs overarching strategy (ToR 3.1) 2.4 Apply data protection and governance to protect your data 2.5 Reimburse you for your reasonable expenses incurred in line with our branch expenses policy 2.7 Provide insurance for work undertaken in the capacity of the branch and volunteer role

2.1 Fulfil the role and responsibilities as detailed in your role profile to the best of your ability. 2.2 Follow CIPDs Constitution, Regulations, Branch Terms of Reference, policy and procedures 2.3 Attend committee meetings on a regular basis and inform your branch if you cannot attend 2.4 Work towards the aims in the CIPD strategy 2.5 Comply with all data protection legislation and CIPD’s Data Protection Policy 2.6 Draw attention to and report any conflicts of interest (ToR 8.2)

Training and support

Training and support

3.1 Participate in your branch induction. 3.2 Complete training relevant to your role and compliance training, such as Data Protection, in a timely manner 3.3 Inform the committee of any changes to your contact details

3.1 Provide you with an appropriate induction to CIPD, our work and your role 3.2 Provide ongoing communication, guidance and support 3.3 Respond to your request for information in a timely manner 3.4 Support opportunities to develop your role, skills and experience


CIPD Values

Our values have been defined by our people and the views of over 6,000 of our customers. They underpin our mission to champion better work and working lives, whether that’s through producing learning materials for our members, providing advice on careers in the people profession or using our voice to influence the future of work .As an integral part of CIPDs Community it is important that we share our values with branch volunteers

A facilitation pack has been designed for you to explore

As an integral part of CIPDs Community it is important that we share our values with branch volunteers. As CIPD volunteers it is hoped that branch committee members embrace the spirit of CIPDs values in their approach as a volunteer for the organisation. This facilitation pack provides you with all you will need to hold a session with committee members to discuss CIPD values and what they could mean for the branch. After the session please continue to have conversations with the committee and with CIPD employees so we can thread the values into our work and keep them buoyant.

You can access the pack here


About the CIPD Branch Development Team

The team’s purpose is to provide best customer first service to enable branches to flourish, innovate and meet their full potential to support the profession.

The CIPD Branch Development team is led by Community Lead, Alexandra Carr who joined us at the end of March 2019. Alex previously worked at the British Accreditation Council as Deputy CEO and before that worked for CIPD as Centre Development Manager. She is responsible for the strategic direction of both the team and the branches and in particular looking at ways to improve the service we provide to the branches. Alex is in regular contact with our branch chairs. Ridhima Boojihawon is our Branch Development Officer who leads on training and resources and so is likely to respond to enquiries about the various systems we have available to you all. As a Data Protection Champion, she manages compliance for the team and all the branches. She joined the CIPD in June 2017 having previously volunteered with our Central London branch. Ciprian Arhire is our Projects and Programmes Executive and is key to the roll-out of new projects, any change management propositions and evaluations plus heads up the regional activities for CIPD London. Cip (pronounced ‘Chip’) joined the CIPD in June 2016, after spending a few years managing HR and operations for SMEs and two years volunteering for CIPD London and the East London and Docklands Branch leading on the programme of activities and the social media presence. He currently leads on the member-to-member mentoring programme, digital transformation for branches and several smaller projects on recruitment, student engagement and building specialist networks of practitioners. Based in Leicester we have Eleanor Lloyd-Jones who is Regional Network and Community Executive for the Midlands and supports the committees running ten branches which form the Midlands Area Partnership and builds relationships in the region. For branch volunteers in the Midlands, Eleanor is likely to be your first contact point with CIPD. Eleanor is our longest-serving team member; she started at CIPD in early 2010.


Monika Michalikova is our Finance and Operations Officer and has worked at CIPD since mid-2012 She supports the seven CIPD London branches especially with events management and newsletter mailings, plus manages the budgets and finances for all our branches. So, if you are Branch Treasurer, Monika is a key contact. Julia Dyer is our Branch Development Executive responsible for communications. She sends out most of the mailings our team to inform, support and remind you of all the activities, developments and systems in place to deliver great branch events and run your committees effectively. This includes writing and editing the flagship monthly newsletter, Branch Links that every volunteer receives and should read! Julia joined CIPD in 2008 and moved to the Branch Development team in June 2016, having previously worked in the Assessment team.

To contact the team please email where your message will be referred to the most appropriate team member for a response.


Our work dimensions - vision for areas of work and what we do

Customer Experience

We develop great resources, learning experiences and communication opportunities to enhance our customers journey and champion a sense of community and belonging.

Digital Transformation

We leverage technology to empower and bring people closer together, enhancing collaboration as well as maximizing our impact, reach and engagement for the future. It's about reimagining everything we love about the CIPD in the digital age’


We provide efficient and effective governance, quality assurance and oversight ensuring high standards at all times.


CIPD Branches


How does the committee work?

The primary purpose of our branches is to act as a channel for CIPD member and potential member engagement at a local level, in accordance with the CIPD's strategic priorities and in support of its purpose by creating local networks for practitioners, drive engagement and learning activities to build capability engage people professionals across all levels of experience, sectors and specialisms every year.


52 branches across the UK

• Led by more than 900 CIPD members who volunteer their time for the profession • Delivering over 1000 continuous professional development, learning and networking interventions • Branches engage with more than 40 000 people in face-to-face and peer support activities every year and create a digital footprint through email newsletter, webinar, social media and online community • While our branches are a primary benefit of CIPD membership they are open and inclusive to people professionals, policymakers and business leaders outside the membership




Mid and North Anglia

Mid Scotland


Surrey and North Hampshire

North Scotland and Island

Black Country


Coventry and Warwickshire

South East of Scotland

Thames Valley

West of Scotland

Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire


Northern Ireland

Central London

Hereford and Worcester

North of England

East London and Docklands



North London



South East London


North Staffs and South Cheshire

South West London


West London


Merseyside and North Cheshire

South West


North East of England

Devon and Cornwall

South East

North Yorkshire


Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes

South Yorkshire and District

Swindon and North Wiltshire


Tees Valley


Essex and Ipswich

West Yorkshire

West of England



Channel Islands

Mid and North Wales


South East Wales


South West Wales


Find out more on the branches from the website link below to read more about their work in your area, their current activities and the events lined up in their calendar and how you can get involved.


Branches are normally formed with a committee, usually made up of 15 members.

With four core roles:


• • • •

Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer

Everyone else is designated as a branch committee member and might have specific accountabilities depending on the current strategic priorities. These roles can be held by all professional levels with some taking responsibility for specific areas such as:

Member Communications Lead Programme Engagement Lead Mentoring Engagement Lead

• • • • • •

Public Policy Lead

Student Engagement Lead Membership Engagement Lead

• Strategic Lead/ Special Interest Lead

Some committee members have no specific portfolio. All attend regular committee meetings. Time spent performing a committee role allows for succession planning as it can build up the experience and understanding require moving onto a constitutional branch role.


The CIPD is a registered charity. Our charitable purpose, as prescribed in our Charter and Byelaws, is to promote the art and science of the management and development of people, for the public benefit. CIPD Board members govern the strategic direction of the CIPD and as charity trustees are entrusted with ensuring that it is solvent, well run and delivering on our charitable purpose in compliance with Charity law, as well as our Charter and Byelaws. The Board is supported by the CIPD Council and three Committees with delegated powers. The day to day operational management of the CIPD - and development of its strategy - is delegated to the Chief Executive, who is supported by the Senior Leadership Team. The CIPD Council is an advisory body made up of one representative from each of our branches across the UK and Ireland , as well as the CIPD's Board members. Council meets at least twice per year and is consulted on a range of strategic decisions, including the setting of membership fees, on which it has the final say.

The CIPD Board has three Committees to which it delegates certain powers:

The Audit and Risk Committee The Nominations Committee

• •

• The People, Culture and Remuneration Committee.


Read our Regulations below for more detail on the role of these committees and how the powers of the Institute are put into practice through various terms of reference and governance procedures.

Find out more on our regulations on page 49 from CIPD Branches Terms of Reference

Conflict of interest

All branch roles are honorary and must be kept separate from other work activities, so please be aware of, and talk about any potential conflict of interest. You should declare conflicts to the Branch Secretary and to the CIPD Branch Development Manager. Branch committee members shouldn’t receive any benefit, financially or in kind, from their volunteering. CIPD is a registered charity so managing conflict of interests is very important.

Conflict of Interest

Code of professional conduct

CIPD’s Code of Professional Conduct sets out the standards of professional behaviour expected from CIPD members, and CIPD volunteers, irrespective of the grade of membership or committee role.

Code of conduct (link)


Constitutional and Accountability role profile

The role profiles were introduced in the year 2018 by reviewing the core constitutional roles specification and introducing seven accountability profiles. The accountability profiles have been produced covering the core areas of focus for branches. In order to allow flexibility to create role profiles relevant to specific local committee needs, all or some of the content of the accountability profiles can be lifted into the generic committee member role profiles to produce tailored profile.

The core constitutional roles are:


Vice Chair



See editable version of the constitutional role profiles

The 7 accountability profiles are aligned to complement the role of branch committee member and they reflect:

Member Communication Lead

Membership Engagement Lead

Mentoring Engagement Lead

Programme Engagement Lead

Public Policy Engagement Lead

• Strategic Lead/ Special Interest Lead

See editable version of the accountability role profiles


Supporting you in your role


Staying informed

All branch committee members will receive the following email communications from the Branch Development team: • Branch Links newsletter – sent at the end of the month to ALL branch committee members. It is expected that all volunteers read this to keep up to

date with the latest developments, news, policy updates, training and opportunities.

• Branch development mailings – we tend to send out ad hoc operational and seasonal mailings all committee members with relevant messages. We mark mailings by the roles they have been sent to.

Social Media - you can follow us on



The Branch Network – access our online community

As a member of the CIPD, you should already have access to our online community which is a place to learn, debate and connect with other HR and L&D professionals. Part of our online community is a dedicated space for branch committee members – our Branch Network. Our branch network is an online forum that allows you to access and download resources for your role. You can also chat with other volunteers across the UK and hear about the latest updates from the Branch Development team. The forum is part of the communities’ page on the CIPD website, so to get started you need to register/log-in to the website. Instructions to log into the forum has been sent in your Welcome email. Sometimes clicking on links doesn't work out, so as a reminder these are the steps: • Open the CIPD website (preferably in Google Chrome or Edge) and check you in the top right hand corner of the screen that you are logged-in • Click on ‘Learn Develop and Connect’ • Click on ‘CIPD Community’ in the drop-down • In the grey bar across the top of the page click ‘ Discussion forums ’ • Scroll down the page and you where you should be able to see a box that says ‘ Branch Network’, probably in the bottom row • Click on this box

Please watch the video below on how to access the branch network.

Click here to watch the video

If you have been using the branch network forum, you can access the direct link by navigating to the following to access the

Branch Online Community Network


Induction series 1 . General Induction led by Alexandra Carr, Community Lead and Ridhima Boojihawon, Branch Development Officer. This session is for all committee members which covers the following: • The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development - Overview, strategic priorities, geographical reach • Governance - Our Regulations, Board members and Council • Being a branch volunteer - Our organisational values and mutual expectations • Our Branch structure, support and the way we work - How the Branch Development team can support you

2. Branch Chair and Vice Chair Induction led by Ciprian Arhire, Project and Programme Executive and Alexandra Carr, Community Lead • This session is for Branch Chair and Vice Chair which covers the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • The branch committee structure • The role of chairs and vice-chairs (and council) • Leading the branch planning and activities

3. Branch Secretary led by Ridhima Boojihawon, Branch Development Officer and Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer. This session is for Branch Secretary and covers the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • The branch committee structure and your role as Branch Secretary • The Annual Meeting Guide and Committee list • Maintaining compliance

4. Branch Treasurer led by Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer. This session is for Branch Treasurer and covers the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • Branch Treasurer role • Business Planning & Budget • Invoices & Payment listings • Expenses • Branch Income & Expenditure reports


5. Programme of Activities Lead led by Ridhima Boojihawon, Branch Development Officer and Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer. This session is for Branch Programme of Activities Lead and cover the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • The branch committee structure and your role as Programme of Activities Lead • Business Planning • General Event Management • Resources, guides and toolkits • Further available functional training & support

6. Member Communication Lead / Communication Engagement Lead led by Ridhima Boojihawon, Branch Development Officer, Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer and Jimmy Luu, Social Media Executive This session is for Member Communication Lead and cover the following: • The purpose of CIPD and role of branches • Your role and responsibility as Member Communications Lead • Creating a comms plan • Local guardians of CIPD style and tone of voice • Comms channels and tools (Marketing Cloud, Digital Programme template)

How to use Social Media

7. Mentoring Engagement Lead led by Ciprian Arhire, Projects and Programme Executive and Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer This session is for Mentoring Engagement Lead and covers the following: • What is mentoring at CIPD? • Member- to- Member across UK at this time • Role of Mentoring Engagement Lead • CIPD Support for Mentors

Access all recordings in the branch network here


Annual Meeting Guidance

Guide to voting – this information can be made available before voting to inform members during the virtual annual meeting. It can be delivered by presentation or sharing of content in this guide

• Branch members are asked to make a judgement as to who to elect to serve as Branch Officers and committee members • Before voting, consider the branch purpose and focus, the expertise needed and whether the individual is

• Branch officers and committee members must be members of CIPD and may stand for re-election, confirmed annually • Branch officers are limited to serving two three-year terms of office • Committee members are limited to serving a maximum of nine years • Branches are required to send a representative usually the Chair to Council. Formal Council meetings are held twice a year by CIPD • Branch Network and Support Days are held twice a year to inform and update branches on CIPD strategy and development activity

representative of branch needs, expectations and requirements

• Those elected will serve for 3 years from Month 20XX • If there is only one candidate standing for a role, members will be asked to vote them into position • During 2020 members are asked to vote using a Zoom digital voting poll to elect Branch Officers and committee members.

Instructions will be given during the meeting, votes will be placed and recorded, and successful candidates announced An additional vote may be taken for contested branch roles

The Branch is made up as follows:

• Office holders elected at the Annual Meeting include: Chair, Vice Chair(s) (one of whom will become the Chair), Treasurer, and Secretary. • The branch will have no more than 15 elected members to the Branch Committee – confirmed each year but serve a period of three years on election • The branch committee will, in accordance with good governance practice, have no more than 15 appointed officers and committee members. • Exceptions must be discussed and agreed with the committee and thereafter discussed and agreed with CIPD Community Lead, Branches.

Brief information on those Branch Officers and Committee members

remaining in office is included, together with details of those retiring from office. • The branch committee may co-opt additional committee members not exceeding a third of its number and to a maximum of five, to assist its activities. These committee members must be members of the CIPD. Co-opted members may help with ad hoc and operational activities and would be subject to appointment into substantive roles at the next Branch Annual Meeting.


Financial management

Funding, through an annual allocation, is currently provided to the branch from the Institute upon completion of a business plan and estimated budget. The branch is responsible for ensuring good financial management, reporting and budgeting within the branch, working with the Branch Treasurer . We are happy to reimburse committee members expenses related to any branch activity/running of the committee/anything else related to the committee member being on the Institute business.

Expenses may include:

Attending branch events and meetings

• Purchasing any necessary items for events/committee • Representing the branch and CIPD at local meetings and events when approved by the committee • Attending Council or training days hosted by CIPD.

Expenses Claim form must be completed, counter-signed by one of the branch signatories and send to Branch Finance team at with originals (or copies) of all relevant receipts (mileage doesn’t require a receipt). Each receipt must clearly show the date and value – receipts that can’t be clearly matched with claim details will be rejected

Other Expenses may include

• Accommodation (where possible we try to arrange timings of an event to allow for same day travel, if accommodation is required however we will reimburse up to £130 outside London £160 inside London) • Reasonable travel (direct from home to CIPD event & direct return) • Any reasonable meal costs

All claims must be accompanied by an expense claim form and receipts (again, mileage doesn’t require a receipt) and in this case must be sent to CIPD HQ for approval via

Ac cess Branch Network—Branch Finance—Expenses Claim Form


Business Planning

The primary purpose of branches is to act as a channel for member and potential member engagement at a local level , by encouraging networks for practitioners, building capability, gaining new members, running events, providing visibility and input into public policy agendas and working collaboratively with other branches. Business planning is a great opportunity for all of us to look at what are the ways we’re directing activity to serve thatperson,

time to brainstorm new ideas and reflect on what worked in the past and what might work in the future. It’s a time where we look at what works well for other communities and networks as well as other branches that face similarities with us. As our membership at CIPD continues to grow, the interest of our members and the wider profession gets closer to our different activities and branches are representative of our largest face-to-face channels to market for CIPD’s voice and thinking as well as the biggest interactions with our members with over 1000 learning, CPD and networking interventions being delivered yearly across the UK, we’re perfectly positioned to create a considerable impact in the profession. To ensure business planning allows us to have a focused approach on our purpose, play on our strengths and connect perfectly with the wider proposition CIPD is delivering, we created a list of principles and criteria you can use in business planning that will ensure your branch plan gets the right level of support, speedy approval and it’s part of a dynamic network of branches that are serving our members. We have reflected the criteria focusing on the core elements of planning allowing you complete freedom to drive the overarching branch strategy and explore what going the extra mile might look like in your local context. Access in branch network here

You can also watch the step by step tutorial from the video below


Digital Resources


Digital Branch Annual Programme

We are pleased to provide you a digital creative solution for your annual programme. The CIPD Branding team has worked closely with us to provide you with the toolkit and platform which enables your programme to turn into booklet format. This offers you a wider reach to your audience as you can embed and edit the link through various digital channels, such as Marketing Cloud, Eventbrite and on social media, at any time throughout the year. The launch of this programme is very timely as many branches are currently collating all their activities for the year 2019/2020. You may wish to use the templates provided to you to populate your events. You can access the following resources from the link below:

Step by step guide Editable template Sample programme

• • •

• Training tutorial that includes accessing your flipping book account

Click here to access the link


CIPD Brand guidelines, logos and template

No matter what your role at the CIPD, you are an important brand ambassador because every single way in which our members and other customers interact with us impacts the impression, we leave with them. On these pages, you'll find everything you need to help you understand our brand and al l the tools and resources to help you communicate effectively and play your part in increasing our impact and voice.

The brand guidelines give some tips and tricks on how to communicate effectively using our tone of voice toolkit, as well as a few dos and don'ts in terms of using our logo. There's also a whole host of templates you can use in your day-to-day communications to help us leave a more consistent impression with all of our stakeholders. The following link includes:

CIPD Logos

• •

CIPD PowerPoint templates deck

• Writing for CIPD: House style and tone of voice

Links to all resources for logos, guidelines, design and template


Sending branch mailings with Marketing Cloud

Marketing Cloud is our preferred digital communication platform which helps us build stronger members and non-members relationships across marketing and the service we offer. CIPD Branches and Regions have been provided with an individual account to connect and engage with their subscribers. As this centralised platform holds personal data not all Branch Committee members can use Marketing Cloud, access is limited to one representative per branch with the Member Communication Lead accountability. The Member Communication Lead can also send targeted emails to specific audience members and use the latest contents (e.g. Membership benefits) uploaded from CIPD HQ into their newsletter. Please do keep in mind that any Branch mailing must be sent over the weekend only. To get an insight into how Marketing cloud works, you can access the webinar recording in the branch network as follows:

Support Site The support site has been designed to give you all the information you need through step-by-step navigations, screencasts, screenshots and a search box for specific tasks. You can access the support site here.



Eventbrite is an easy to use, web-based tool, it takes bookings and payments, creates reports, and enables check-in on the day and refunding.

Each branch have one main account that can be managed by the Programme of Activities Lead and additional training will be provided on how to use the tool, and close support as you upload your first few events






Channelling our voice


Leveraging the learning content 8 core behaviours

You told us that you wanted more support to help you apply the new Profession Map in your day-to-day roles. We've listened and we've produced this cutting-edge learning content, designed in consultation with thought leaders in the people profession.

These courses explore the eight core behaviours of the new Profession Map in detail, bringing each behaviour to life and providing you with the opportunity to start reflecting on where you're at. These courses are a member-only benefit and branches can play a role of raising the profile of these as well as support members and non-members to understand how they can make the most of the content


Membership benefits resources - how to include these in your online events

The CIPD carry out a number of activities across a broad range of areas. As a CIPD member, you are actively contributing to each area of our work and thus actively supporting us in championing better work and working lives. You are also contributing to the wider HR and L&D profession. Part of your role with your local branch network involves you extending our voice by emphasizing the key benefits available for your members.

Membership Benefits

Student Hub

Access all the resources to use for your branch activity here


Ask me anything series (include recordings of live sessions)

The Ask me anything series


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