Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Branches are normally formed with a committee, usually made up of 15 members.

With four core roles:


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Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer

Everyone else is designated as a branch committee member and might have specific accountabilities depending on the current strategic priorities. These roles can be held by all professional levels with some taking responsibility for specific areas such as:

Member Communications Lead Programme Engagement Lead Mentoring Engagement Lead

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Public Policy Lead

Student Engagement Lead Membership Engagement Lead

• Strategic Lead/ Special Interest Lead

Some committee members have no specific portfolio. All attend regular committee meetings. Time spent performing a committee role allows for succession planning as it can build up the experience and understanding require moving onto a constitutional branch role.


The CIPD is a registered charity. Our charitable purpose, as prescribed in our Charter and Byelaws, is to promote the art and science of the management and development of people, for the public benefit. CIPD Board members govern the strategic direction of the CIPD and as charity trustees are entrusted with ensuring that it is solvent, well run and delivering on our charitable purpose in compliance with Charity law, as well as our Charter and Byelaws. The Board is supported by the CIPD Council and three Committees with delegated powers. The day to day operational management of the CIPD - and development of its strategy - is delegated to the Chief Executive, who is supported by the Senior Leadership Team. The CIPD Council is an advisory body made up of one representative from each of our branches across the UK and Ireland , as well as the CIPD's Board members. Council meets at least twice per year and is consulted on a range of strategic decisions, including the setting of membership fees, on which it has the final say.

The CIPD Board has three Committees to which it delegates certain powers:

The Audit and Risk Committee The Nominations Committee

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• The People, Culture and Remuneration Committee.


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