Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Read our Regulations below for more detail on the role of these committees and how the powers of the Institute are put into practice through various terms of reference and governance procedures.

Find out more on our regulations on page 49 from CIPD Branches Terms of Reference

Conflict of interest

All branch roles are honorary and must be kept separate from other work activities, so please be aware of, and talk about any potential conflict of interest. You should declare conflicts to the Branch Secretary and to the CIPD Branch Development Manager. Branch committee members shouldn’t receive any benefit, financially or in kind, from their volunteering. CIPD is a registered charity so managing conflict of interests is very important.

Conflict of Interest

Code of professional conduct

CIPD’s Code of Professional Conduct sets out the standards of professional behaviour expected from CIPD members, and CIPD volunteers, irrespective of the grade of membership or committee role.

Code of conduct (link)


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