Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Induction series 1 . General Induction led by Alexandra Carr, Community Lead and Ridhima Boojihawon, Branch Development Officer. This session is for all committee members which covers the following: • The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development - Overview, strategic priorities, geographical reach • Governance - Our Regulations, Board members and Council • Being a branch volunteer - Our organisational values and mutual expectations • Our Branch structure, support and the way we work - How the Branch Development team can support you

2. Branch Chair and Vice Chair Induction led by Ciprian Arhire, Project and Programme Executive and Alexandra Carr, Community Lead • This session is for Branch Chair and Vice Chair which covers the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • The branch committee structure • The role of chairs and vice-chairs (and council) • Leading the branch planning and activities

3. Branch Secretary led by Ridhima Boojihawon, Branch Development Officer and Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer. This session is for Branch Secretary and covers the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • The branch committee structure and your role as Branch Secretary • The Annual Meeting Guide and Committee list • Maintaining compliance

4. Branch Treasurer led by Monika Michalikova Finance and Operations Officer. This session is for Branch Treasurer and covers the following: • The role of branches at the CIPD • Branch Treasurer role • Business Planning & Budget • Invoices & Payment listings • Expenses • Branch Income & Expenditure reports


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