Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Annual Meeting Guidance

Guide to voting – this information can be made available before voting to inform members during the virtual annual meeting. It can be delivered by presentation or sharing of content in this guide

• Branch members are asked to make a judgement as to who to elect to serve as Branch Officers and committee members • Before voting, consider the branch purpose and focus, the expertise needed and whether the individual is

• Branch officers and committee members must be members of CIPD and may stand for re-election, confirmed annually • Branch officers are limited to serving two three-year terms of office • Committee members are limited to serving a maximum of nine years • Branches are required to send a representative usually the Chair to Council. Formal Council meetings are held twice a year by CIPD • Branch Network and Support Days are held twice a year to inform and update branches on CIPD strategy and development activity

representative of branch needs, expectations and requirements

• Those elected will serve for 3 years from Month 20XX • If there is only one candidate standing for a role, members will be asked to vote them into position • During 2020 members are asked to vote using a Zoom digital voting poll to elect Branch Officers and committee members.

Instructions will be given during the meeting, votes will be placed and recorded, and successful candidates announced An additional vote may be taken for contested branch roles

The Branch is made up as follows:

• Office holders elected at the Annual Meeting include: Chair, Vice Chair(s) (one of whom will become the Chair), Treasurer, and Secretary. • The branch will have no more than 15 elected members to the Branch Committee – confirmed each year but serve a period of three years on election • The branch committee will, in accordance with good governance practice, have no more than 15 appointed officers and committee members. • Exceptions must be discussed and agreed with the committee and thereafter discussed and agreed with CIPD Community Lead, Branches.

Brief information on those Branch Officers and Committee members

remaining in office is included, together with details of those retiring from office. • The branch committee may co-opt additional committee members not exceeding a third of its number and to a maximum of five, to assist its activities. These committee members must be members of the CIPD. Co-opted members may help with ad hoc and operational activities and would be subject to appointment into substantive roles at the next Branch Annual Meeting.


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