Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Financial management

Funding, through an annual allocation, is currently provided to the branch from the Institute upon completion of a business plan and estimated budget. The branch is responsible for ensuring good financial management, reporting and budgeting within the branch, working with the Branch Treasurer . We are happy to reimburse committee members expenses related to any branch activity/running of the committee/anything else related to the committee member being on the Institute business.

Expenses may include:

Attending branch events and meetings

• Purchasing any necessary items for events/committee • Representing the branch and CIPD at local meetings and events when approved by the committee • Attending Council or training days hosted by CIPD.

Expenses Claim form must be completed, counter-signed by one of the branch signatories and send to Branch Finance team at with originals (or copies) of all relevant receipts (mileage doesn’t require a receipt). Each receipt must clearly show the date and value – receipts that can’t be clearly matched with claim details will be rejected

Other Expenses may include

• Accommodation (where possible we try to arrange timings of an event to allow for same day travel, if accommodation is required however we will reimburse up to £130 outside London £160 inside London) • Reasonable travel (direct from home to CIPD event & direct return) • Any reasonable meal costs

All claims must be accompanied by an expense claim form and receipts (again, mileage doesn’t require a receipt) and in this case must be sent to CIPD HQ for approval via

Ac cess Branch Network—Branch Finance—Expenses Claim Form


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