Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

What can you expect from us?

What can we expect from you?

Conduct and Behaviour

Conduct and Behaviour

1.1 Lead and role model CIPDs purpose, vision and values (ToR 3.2) 1.2 Act with integrity in a professional manner 1.3 Promote and operate the standards in the Code of Professional Conduct (ToR 8.1) 1.4 Work collaboratively with you to offer the best possible service to CIPD Members 1.5 Value, respect and ensure you are treated fairly 1.6 Support and promote diverse and inclusive committees, representative of the community and our society 1.7 Respect your time and appreciate that you have other commitments 1.8 Respect confidentiality 1.9 Apply due diligence and resolve fairly any problems, grievances or difficulties and provide an opportunity to discuss any unresolved issues Highlight and support the mutual benefits achieved as a result of volunteering as a branch Committee Member 1.10

1.1 Champion CIPDs purpose and vision (ToR 3.2) 1.2 Act with integrity in a professional manner 1.3 Promote and operate the standards in the Code of Professional Conduct (ToR 8.1) and seen to be an ambassador for CIPD (ToR 8.2) 1.4 Embrace CIPD’s Values 1.5 Work collaboratively with committee members and CIPD HQ teams to deliver the best possible service to CIPD members 1.6 Support. promote and embrace a diverse and inclusive committee 1.7 Promote succession planning to embrace new ideas and fresh thinking 1.8 Serve no longer than the agreed tenure for your role 1.9 Ensure that neither the Branch nor the CIPD is bought into disrepute 1.10 Not use the role to promote yourself and your service



2.1 Provide you with information relating to your role to include role profiles CIPD Constitution, Regulations and Branch Terms of Reference 2.2 Provide feedback and an explanation of (and support to achieve) standards, policy and process 2.3 Share CIPDs overarching strategy (ToR 3.1) 2.4 Apply data protection and governance to protect your data 2.5 Reimburse you for your reasonable expenses incurred in line with our branch expenses policy 2.7 Provide insurance for work undertaken in the capacity of the branch and volunteer role

2.1 Fulfil the role and responsibilities as detailed in your role profile to the best of your ability. 2.2 Follow CIPDs Constitution, Regulations, Branch Terms of Reference, policy and procedures 2.3 Attend committee meetings on a regular basis and inform your branch if you cannot attend 2.4 Work towards the aims in the CIPD strategy 2.5 Comply with all data protection legislation and CIPD’s Data Protection Policy 2.6 Draw attention to and report any conflicts of interest (ToR 8.2)

Training and support

Training and support

3.1 Participate in your branch induction. 3.2 Complete training relevant to your role and compliance training, such as Data Protection, in a timely manner 3.3 Inform the committee of any changes to your contact details

3.1 Provide you with an appropriate induction to CIPD, our work and your role 3.2 Provide ongoing communication, guidance and support 3.3 Respond to your request for information in a timely manner 3.4 Support opportunities to develop your role, skills and experience


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