Hunkering down and waiting for the dark and chilly winter season to pass sounds pretty nice. But the reality is, if we deprive ourselves of time outside, we do ourselves a big disservice both mentally and physically. Staying indoors all day affects your energy and mood, which makes it hard to get anything done, so here are four easy tips to make it easier to get a little fresh air. 1. Make it a priority. Getting outside means making the conscious effort to do so. If you want to reap its benefits, you have to decide to make it a priority in your day-to-day schedule. If you make the act important to you, you have more motivation to actually do it.
2. Use mornings effectively. Waking up and getting the day started can be hard. But studies have shown that natural light helps decrease your melatonin production, which means you feel ready to face the day sooner. So, set yourself a second alarm to head outside and take a quick walk around the block just after waking. Don’t even wash your face or grab coffee. Just get out there. 3. Take your work outside. If you’re working from home, take some work outdoors. Phone and virtual meetings are a great outdoor option, especially if you’ll just be an active listener and aren’t required to do any work simultaneously. Attach a note to your meeting reminders to get yourself set up outside five minutes before you start. 4. Create a schedule. It might feel strange to set reminders throughout the day to step outside, but you easily get wrapped up in activities and overlook breaks, and these reminders are exactly what you need. Start with 10-minute blocks three times a day. If you stick to them, soon you won’t need a schedule to get outside anymore. Winter weather may be cold, but even when you’re bundled up under a jacket and scarf, just 5–10 minutes outside can do wonders for your mood and energy for hours.
Making a conscious decision to live a sober lifestyle can be powerful. For some, it’s a necessity spurred on by addiction, while others choose to stay sober for their health. Alcohol has been linked to skin damage, cognition issues, high blood pressure, sleep dysfunction, and weight gain. So, if you’re considering making Dry January more of a year-round habit, get started with these three steps. Step 1: Consider your motivations. In 2019, Anne Hathaway announced she was giving up drinking for her son. She wanted to add more value to the mornings she got to spend with him instead of nursing a hangover. Finding a reason to stop drinking can make you more motivated to stick with it. In moments when you want to drink, write down your motivations and really dig into them. Why do you want to give
up drinking? Why do you want better skin or fewer hangovers? Why do you want more time with your family? These reminders can help you keep going! Step 2: Don’t quit cold turkey. Jennifer Lopez isn’t one to toast with water. The pop star is often seen taking a sip of alcohol after “raising a glass,” but that’s as far as she goes! J-Lo reportedly doesn’t like the adverse effects alcohol can have on the skin. According to researchers at Harvard Medical School, moderation might be better for your overall goal than quitting altogether. One study found that when drinking was so ingrained in patients’ daily lives, they found better success weaning off over time or practicing moderation. By creating your own plan to lessen your alcohol intake, you can improve your relationship with alcohol and better strive for your sobriety.
Step 3: Celebrate with a mocktail! Alcohol does not equate with fun! Just look at Kate Moss, who often abstains from drinking and has been known to have just as much fun — if not more! — while sober. Moss has even mentioned that she orders mocktails.
Why not have all the fun of cocktails without
the adverse effects? The best way to enjoy the moments traditionally filled with alcohol is to find a new way to appreciate them. Find a new hobby or make a fun, alcohol-free drink for your celebrations. There are plenty of ways to partake in these moments while staying sober!
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