AthleticAdvantagePT_Recovery from Foot & Ankle Injury


Foot and ankle pain treatment depends on where the injury happens and how long ago it occurred. Compression and Elevation If it is not possible to walk more than two or threestepswithoutpainor ifthe joint looksout ofplace, it is importanttovisitadoctorassoon as possible as a fracture can be suspected. However, within a few hours of compression wrapping and elevation, most people notice that the swelling begins to subside and they can carry on with most of their daily tasks withminimal discomfort. However, this initial treatment of a foot or ankle sprain does not help strengthen the area and prevent injury in the future. Exercises to Try Once theacutephaseof the injuryhaspassed after about 2-3 days (the point where there is pain), it is possible to prevent future injury by exercises targeted at strengthening the muscles thatsurround theankle.Trydrawing the alphabet with your toes to improve range of motion, perform calf raises every time you stand at the sink, or raise your toes slowly off of the ground when you are standing in line. As stated earlier, there are many structures that may be affected. These exercises may not be appropriate for everybody, but they are OUR SERV I CES • Aquatic Therapy • Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) • Concussion Therapy • Dance Injury Rehabilitation • Electrical Stimulation • Instrument Assisted Manual Therapy • Joint Mobilization • Kinesio Taping • Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) • Manual Therapy • Therapeutic Exercise • Vertigo Treatment

generally effective in this stage of recovery. Physical Therapy It’s just a sprain or strain. Do you really need physical therapy? In short, yes. Physical therapy isdesigned torelieve thepainofa foot orankleproblem, improvetherangeofmotion, and strengthen your muscles so they become more flexible and able to take on the shock of normal activities. Arguably more importantly, yourphysicaltherapistwill identifytheoriginal causeofthe injury.Whetherthere isweakness, tightness,or instabilityelsewhere in thebody, yourPTwillformulateaplanofcaretoaddress all pertinent impairments. Wewillshowyouproperways tostabilizeyour footorankle.Thismay includeusingorthotics insupportiveshoes,wrappingyour injured foot or ankle or using other modalities for pain relief such aslow level laser therapy (LLLT) or manual therapy. We will also show you therapeutic exercises that target themuscles that keep the foot or ankle supported. Whether you injured your foot or ankle or have been dealing with plantar fasciitis for a long time, physical therapy is the answer to achieving long-term relief. Contact us today at (214) 383-0623 or visit our website at to schedule a

consultation or to learn more about physical therapy and how it can help relieve your foot or ankle pain. Sources: conditions/plantar-fasciitis/symptoms-causes/ syc-20354846 exercises-to-prevent-an-ankle-injury health-science/the-method-you-learned-for- treating-an-ankle-or-knee-sprain-is-probably- wrong/2016/05/27/f32e86ca-8c9b-11e5-ae1f- af46b7df8483_story.html WHAT IS MANUAL THERAPY? • Manual therapy is a specialized treatment in which your physical therapist will manipulate joints and soft tissue with nothing more than their hands. • Manual therapy is non-invasive and doesn’t require any harmful pain- management medications. THERAPY RESULTS • Relieves pain • Reduces swelling • Decreases restriction • Improves range of motion • Mobilizes joints


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