King's Business - 1956-01

Prayerlessness but that prayer must be obtained by personal effort?

before us a widely opened door and receives us into blessed fellowship with Himself. Prayer for the help of the Spirit to pray will no longer be in fear of an effort too great for our power; it will be but falling

y ou have t r ie d and been disappointed,” faith will find its strength, not in the thought of what you will, or do, but in the change­ less faithfulness and love of Christ. Who afresh has succored you and assured you that those who wait on Him shall not be ashamed. If fear and hesitation still re­ main, I pray you by the mercies of God in Jesus Christ, and by the unspeakable faithfulness of His tender love, dare to cast yourselves at His feet. Only believe with your whole heart that there is deliver­ ance from the sin of prayerlessness. “ If we confess our sins, he is faith­ ful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright­ eousness” (1 John 1:9). In His blood and grace there is complete deliverance from all unrighteous­ ness and from all prayerlessness. How Deliverance May Continue What we have said about deliv­ erance from the sin of prayerless­ ness has also application as answer to the question: “How may the ex­ perience of deliverance be main­ tained?” Redemption is not granted to us piecemeal, or as something of which we may make use from time to time. It is bestowed as a fullness of grace stored up in the Lord Jesus, which may be enjoyed in a new fellowship with Him every day. It is so necessary that this great truth should be driven home and fastened in our minds CONTINUED

ity. Nothing less is necessary than that we should experience that he who “ is in Christ Jesus is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are be­ come new.” This is literally true for the man who understands and experiences what it is to be in Jesus Christ. Our whole relationship to the Lord must be a new thing. I must believe in His infinite love, which really longs to have communion with me every moment and to keep me in the enjoyment of His fellow­ ship. I must believe in His divine power, which has conquered sin and will truly keep me from it. I must believe in Him Who, as the g rea t In te r c e s s o r , through the Spirit, will inspire each member of His Body with joy and power for communion with God in prayer. My prayer life must be brought en­ tirely under the control of Christ and His love. Then, for the first time, will prayer become what it really is, the natural and joyous breathing of the spiritual life, by which the heavenly atmosphere is inhaled and then exhaled in prayer. Do you not see that, just as this faith possesses us, the call to a life of prayer which pleases God will be a welcome call? The cry, “ Re­ pent of the sin of prayerlessness,” will not be responded to by a sigh of helplessness, or by the unwill­ ingness of the flesh. The voice of the Father will be heard as He sets

Prayer « / Each morning at eight the

editorial staff of King's Busi- ■ ness magazine ga ther s for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry of thou­ sands. Should you have a request we would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request S will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Edi­ tors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles T7, Calif. down in utter weakness at the feet of the Lord Jesus, to find there that victory comes through the might and love which stream from His countenance. If the question arises in our mind: Will this continue? and the fear comes: “ You know how often


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