King's Business - 1956-01

I commit myself for the day to the Lord Jesus, then I may rest assured that it is His eternal almighty pow­ er which has taken me under its protection and which will accom­ plish everything for me. Oh, if we would only take time for the inner chamber so that we might experience in full reality the presence of this Almighty Jesus! What a blessedness would be ours through faith! An unbroken fellow­ ship with an Omnipresent and Al­ mighty Lord. 3. The holy love of God. This means that He, with His whole heart, offers all His divine attributes for our service and is prepared to impart Himself to us, Christ is the revelation of His love. He is the Son of His love—the Gift of His love—the Power of His love; and this Jesus, Who has sought on the cross to give an overwhelming proof of His love in His death and blood- shedding, so as to make it impos­ sible for us not to believe in that love—this Jesus is He Who comes to meet us in the inner chamber, and gives the. positive assurance that unbroken fellowship with Him is our inheritance, and will, through Him, become our experience. The holy love of God which sacrificed everything to conquer sin and bring it to naught, comes to us in Christ to save us from every sin. Take time to think over that word of our Lord: “ Ye believe in God, believe also in me.” “ Believe me that I am in the Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” That is the secret of the life of prayer. Take time in the inner chamber to bow down and worship; and wait on Him till he unveils Himself, and takes possession of you, and goes out with you to show how a man may live and walk in abiding fel­ lowship with an unseen Lord. Do you long to know how you may always experience deliverance from the sin of prayerlessness? Here you have the secret. Believe in the Son of God, give Him time in the inner chamber to reveal Himself in His ever present near­ ness, as the Eternal and Almighty One, the Eternal Love Who watches over you. You will experience what, up till now, you have perhaps not known—that it has not entered into the heart of man what God can do for those who love Him. END.

Victory Over Prayerlessness continued that I will once more mention it. Nothing can preserve you from carelessness, or make it possible for you to persevere in living, pow­ erful prayer, but a daily close fel­ lowship with Jesus our Lord.

Jesus. It was because of this they were so sorrowful at the thought of His death. They would be de­ prived of that presence. He would be no longer with them. How, un­ der these circumstances, did the Lord Jesus comfort them? He prom­ ised that the Holy Spirit from heaven should so work in them a sense of the fulness of His life and of His personal presence that He would be even more intimately near and have more unbroken fel­ lowship with them than they ex­ perienced while He was on earth. This great promise is now the inheritance of every believer, al­ though so many of them know lit­ tle about it. Jesus Christ, in His divine personality, in that eternal love which led Him to the cross, longs to have fellowship with us every moment of the day and to keep us in the enjoyment of that fellowship. This ought to be ex­ plained to every new convert: “ The Lord loves you so that He would have you near Him without a break, that you may have experi­ ence of His love.” This is what every believer must learn who has felt his powerlessness for a life of prayer, of obedience, and of holi­ ness. This alone will give us pow­ er as intercessors to conquer the world and to win souls out of it for our Lord. 2. The omnipotence of God. How wonderful is God’s power! We see it in creation; we see it in the won­ ders of redemption recorded in the Old Testament. We see it in the wonderful works of Christ which the Father wrought in Him, and above all in His resurrection from the dead. We are called on to be­ lieve in the Son, just as we believe in the Father. Yes, the Lord Jesus Who, in His love, is so unspeakably near us, is the Almighty One with Whom nothing is impossible. What­ ever may be in our hearts or flesh, which will not submit to us, He can and will conquer. Everything that is promised in God’s Word, all that is our inheritance as children of the New Covenant, the Almighty Jesus can bestow upon us. If I bow be­ fore Him in my inner chamber, then I am in contact with the eter­ nal, unchanging pow er of God. If

He said to His disciples: “Ye believe in God, believe also in me . . . Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me . . . He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do” (John 14 :1 ,11 , 12). The Lord wished to teach His disciples that all they had learned from the Old Testament concern­ ing the power and holiness and love of God must now be transferred to Him. They must not believe mere­ ly in certain written documents but in Him personally. They must be­ lieve that He was in the Father, and the Father in Him, in such a sense that they had one life, one glory. All that they knew about Christ they would find in God. He laid much emphasis on this be­ cause it was only through such a faith in Him and His divine glory that they could do the works which He did, or even greater works. This faith would lead them to know that just as Christ and the Father are One, so also they were in Christ and Christ was in them. It is this intimate, spiritual, per­ sonal, uninterrupted relationship to the Lord Jesus which manifests it­ self powerfully in our lives, and especially in our prayer lives. Let us consider this and see what it means: that all the glorious attrib­ utes of God are in our Lord Jesus Christ. Think of— 1. God’s omnipresence, with which He fills the world and every moment is present in everything. Just as it is with the Father, so now our Lord Jesus is everywhere present, above all with each of His redeemed ones. This is one of the greatest and most important les­ sons which our faith must learn. We can clearly understand this from the example of our Lord’s disciples. What was the peculiar privilege of these disciples, who were always in fellowship with Him? It was uninterrupted enjoy­ ment of the presence of the Lord



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