King's Business - 1956-01


UNITY The Unity conception of God as the "inexorable Principle" and of Christ as One like themselves does not lead one into a spirit of believing prayer

B y Louis T . Talbot exorable Principle” and of Christ as One like themselves does not lead one into a spirit of humble, believ­ ing prayer. The ir pecu lia r “ praying” is called “ entering the silence.” This is how they define it: “We first withdraw ourselves bodily and mentally from the outside world . . . Then he still, absolutely still. Relax every part of your being, and be­ lieve that it is being done . . . If you find your mind wandering, bring it right back by saying again: It is being done; Thou art working in me; I am receiving that which I desire . . . Speak words of thanks­ giving to this innermost Presence . . . Continue giving thanks that while you waited you did receive, and that what you receive is now manifest” (Lessons in Truth, p. 103). Here are further statements in regard to the Unity form of prayer: “ In prayer attention is the concen­ tration of the mind upon a state­ ment of Truth. Attention is focaliz­ ing the I am or inner entity upon a word of prayer, until the inner meaning is realized, and the soul is aware of a definite spiritual up­ lift” (Teach Us to Pray, p. 31). “ In the silence when his mind is fixed steadily on God and is func­ tioning in the consciousness of in­ finite love, the activities of man’s brain cells synchronize with those of the very brain cells of the Mas­ ter” (Teach Us to Pray, p. 59).

"W m ~T’ T hat kind of prayer do I f / Unity adherents prac- tice? Certainly not the * * form or kind of prayer taught in the Bible. Jesus, in answer to the request of His disciples, gave them the Lord’s Prayer (so-called) as a typical prayer which would be acceptable to Him, including ador­ ation, worship and petition; then He gave us through the Apostle John the means of making sure that our prayers would reach the throne of God. “ And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” (John 14:13,14). We may only come to God through His Son. Our prayers must be offered in His name—not just the words, of course, but with worship and love and faith in Him as our Lord and Saviour. The pos­ ture, the form of words or the place have no hearing on true pray­ er. We are acceptable to God only in the Beloved, His Son, and if we have no faith in Him, God will not hear us. I have read every book Unity leaders and authors have written, and I have looked in vain for any reference to the Lord Jesus Christ as the One in Whose name one may come to God. It is not surprising that their kind of prayer would be contrary to the teaching of the Word of God. Their conception of God as the “ in-

This is ,not prayer to God. It is a form of mental telepathy. ■ heir Silent Unity is thus described in their magazine Unity, January 1954, p. 79: “The Society of Silent Uni­ ty, founded more than 50 years ago, is the healing department of Unity School, ministering without seeing them, to those who need help . . . Our Silent Unity group numbers some 100 consecrated workers who are devoting their lives to God’s work for humanity. They are prov­ ing daily that physical, financial, mental and spiritual difficulties can be overcome by righteous prayer.” With all of this profession of helping people by prayer, I find this naive statement in Lessons in Truth, p. 108: “ Of course, prayer does not change God’s attitude.” I have no doubt but that hun­ dreds who write in to Silent Unity for prayer have no idea of the anti- Christian nature of Unity’s teach­ ings. If they themselves believe in Jesus as the Saviour and the way to God, their own prayers will he heard. Certainly they will have no help from the throne of God through Unity, Silent or otherwise. God pity those who are ensnared and bewitched by the Christian ap­ pearance of this heresy! Unify and Death Woodbury writes of Unity: “When babies are baptized, they are



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